President Donald Trump on Saturday bemoaned what he perceived as a lack of a fair hearing in the growing number of sexual misconduct cases, at a time when two of his aides have been forced to resign for similar reasons.
Over the last few days, two White House staffers have stepped down under a cloud of suspicion involving claims of domestic abuse. After Staff Secretary Rob Porter was forced out, Trump appeared to defend him by saying Porter had denied the allegations — even as his chief of staff stated they were credible.
On Saturday, Trump doubled down on his defense by tweeting that “lives are being shattered” by allegations that may or may not be true. The president — who has also been buffeted by claims of sexual misconduct — asked: “Is there no such thing as due process?”
The latest imbroglios involving White House personnel are taking place during a turbulent cultural conversation about sexual harassment, with powerful people being laid low by allegations that sometimes stretch back decades.