Renaldi explained, “Let’s just say you’re at a music festival and your kid just took off… In that case, [Jiobit is] going to try to figure out how to connect. Because in this area, maybe there is an overloaded WiFi network, we don’t use just one network. We traverse over all the different cellular networks to try and find a connection across all of them.”
Parents can use the Jiobit smartphone app to set up safe areas for their kids – like the pool where they take lessons, their friends’ and grandparents’ houses, school and Mom’s office. If a kid strays from those areas, the Jiobit app will alert the parent and help them pinpoint the child’s location. Its also beta testing a feature that will allow parents to zero in on their kids’ location indoors, knowing which floor their kid is on within an airport, mall or museum, for example.
The app and tracker work all over the world. That makes them handy for international travel.
Renaldi said while the device was created for kids, some companies are starting to use it to keep track of workers or equipment in the field, especially at sprawling construction sites.