The Kindness Party

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Elon Musk recently tweeted “In the past I voted Democrat, because they were (mostly) the kindness party. But they have become the party of division & hate, so I can no longer support them and will vote Republican.”

The kindness Party?

Robert Byrd? The Clintons? La Raza? Antifa? Bowel Movements Matter?

Late-term abortions, open border human/drug trafficking and meeting with the Muslim Brotherhood in the White House?

Methinks Elon doth smoke too much weed.

Liberals, will they every learn?


Jeff Bezos continues to whine about Biden but I guarantee will not halt the Communist printings of the Washington Post.

Joe Rogan was so tired by the Libs he fled California.

Where did he land?

Austin, proving to be another guy who needs to stop inhaling.

None of these guys cared about the oppressive tactics that have ruined neighborhoods and gutted what used to be the best public school system in the world.

None these guys called out the lies from the Federal Reserve over the last two decades that are now crushing American towns and cities economically.

None of these guys stepped into the fire as American after American was robbed, raped or murdered every single day by criminal foreign nationals.

They all took shots at Trump but not a one of them put their millionaire/billionaire status and money on the line to try and help.

Zero, nada, zilch.

Unlike the cancel culture Liberals I am not a “hater” and can give credit where credit is due.

For the record I have used Amazon and have always been impressed with their system.

For the record I enjoyed NewsRadio and a good portion of the Rogan Podcasts.

For the record, although I am not a Tesla enthusiast, it is clear Elon Musk has an incredible mind, that used properly, can and will benefit America.

Yet these men are self-proclaimed “Liberals” who appear to know very little about human history or human behavior never mind Freedom.

Then again maybe they just don’t care.

I’ve never met any of these individuals but they all seem to have the same thing in common.

Looking the other way as society falls apart and then fleeing when the problems they either helped to create or ignored become unbearable leaving the disaster behind.

“Conservatives” have been leaving California for decades.

Completely understandable.

They worked hard, saved their money, were beneficial to others, voted properly and received nothing but crime, oppressive taxation and scorn to only be joined in Texas and Tennessee by the very reasons they left.

Evolution (Growth) “is based on mutual benefit and the extension of generosity.”

There is no mutual benefit in living with parasites and any further extension of generosity is grist for the Communist mill.

Sadly it will get worse until Americans decide it’s time to get better.

Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

Let’s Go Brandon.

Jason Kraus

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OAN NEWSROOMUPDATED 8:00 AM PT – Sunday, May 22, 2022 Free America Network Articles

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