The concept of correcting or repairing the relationship between the aggrieved Party and the Party responsible for the damage.
In “First World” nations this is also referred to as a lawsuit where both Parties give their versions to an impartial judge or jury and then abide by the outcome.
Neither side is ever happy and the repairing of said relationship will never occur but in a “civilized” society cash payments for crimes and abuses of one by another is the standard rule of thumb.
In other societies those responsible for crimes against another or others are punished in a variety of ways including caning, mutilation and even death.
The current consensus among the Liberal Democratic Party is that skin color is the measurement with which all issues must be addressed.
This is of course bigotry but due to the lack of any courage found anywhere in our current government I believe it is time to discuss and fulfill the callings of Reparations.
As stated earlier no Party will ever be happy with any solution.
Because of this we must take in the information, come to a conclusion and then move forward.
We must also agree that the usage of skin color, as a measurement, is bigotry.
I can hear the Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste Liberals around the country willing to agree that although it is bigotry (factually and morally wrong) they are still willing to go ahead, as the means to the outcome or the ramifications of said outcome, are much less important to them than the actual outcome.
Kind of like Abortion.
I can hear Republicans around the country sadly nodding along “let’s just get on with it” as that has been the behavior of the cowardly lion Party for some time now.
Finally I can hear Americans right now reading this as their jaws clamp tight, their eyes narrow, their fists clench, looking at each other asking, “What happened to Jason Kraus? Did someone jump into his body? This can’t be the same guy who wrote Late Bird. NO f&%ing WAY!”
Bear with me America.
I will never let you down.
So here we go.
We have everyone on board that although the repairing of relationships isn’t likely a one time payment from the guilty to the innocent can at least move us forward as a country.
First we must present the case FOR the Liberals as has been presented BY the Liberals.
Black humans living in America were and are responsible for virtually everything that has positively happened in these United States. Their toiling in the fields picking cotton was the backbone of the American economy. Without this free labor America would have never survived.
Yes, there were “Afrikans” that owned other black humans and yes some of them also owned white humans BUT the “organizational racism” that all Blacks have dealt with override these facts because, well they do.
Blacks didn’t want to be here in the first place as they were ripped away from their families and sold.
Yes, this also happened to Whites but their stories are different because of the thing. . .you know. . .the thing.
It’s time to correct this historical atrocity and provide every African-American with a home, a car, a college education of their choice and a monthly stipend that must last not only through their lifetimes but the lifetimes of all current and future children and their grandchildren.
Furthermore we also want specific areas set aside in each city, town or district across America where only Blacks can live.
Once this has occurred generational “racism” can start to be addressed although deep down the hatred of the White man will justifiably never completely go away.
Did I miss anything Liberals?
Yeah Jason.
We also want the same thing for Hispanics, Latinos, LGBTQ and all White women who were forced to be married to White men.
Let’s put a pin in that one for a moment Progressives and try and solve one “racist” problem at a time besides you may have a different view at the end.
Grumble, grumble, okay whatever Nazi.
Okay, we’ve heard the “case” being made by the Libs for Black reparations.
Now it is time to hear the case for the “other” side.
According to virtually every news media in America the White Man is the root of all evil.
The worst humans in the world and the world would be a better place if all White men were dead.
So far so good Liberals?
Yep! You are rolling Kracker Kraus! Keep on writing your own obituary.
As with all nations in the beginning, and for its survival, some of the citizens had to be willing to fight, kill, and possibly die for their nation to start and be maintained.
The history of America is crystal clear.
From the American Revolution through the War of 1812 and to the conclusion of the War Between the States the White man was 99.99% responsible for the protection and defense of these United States.
Without the White man during this time there would be no America.
Next, through World War I and II these United States were OVERWHELMINGLY defended and protected by the White man.
From an English Monarch to Democratic Klansmen to Nazi and Communist Germans and Russians the White American male stepped into the fray every time and was victorious.
Without the White man during this time there would be no America.
The American White male freed everyone in America including Black men, women and children in the mid 1800’s.
For those who are time challenged we are now in the 21st Century.
After this the White man went on to create multiple machines that started the Industrial Revolution, and carried into that century and the next, the invention of the car, the airplane, the combustion engine, space travel, televisions, telephones, the Internet and the most important one of all.
The one that changed human civilization all over the world for the better.
The willingness of the American White male to fight Oppression in all parts of the world has changed and continues to change every facet of life.
The greatest inventions in the history of Man have been by the American White male.
Without these inventions the world as we know it would have never occurred.
Let me say it differently.
The removal of ONE of the inventions of the White man would cause the death of ninety percent of today’s population.
Without electricity most humans in America would be dead within three months.
Furthermore the American White male put in place Constitutional Rights, the Rule of Law, Public Education and the protection of the Individual through firearms.
God made all Men.
Samuel Colt made all men equal.
Now it appears I’ve leaned in one direction as I’ve stated the case for both Parties.
In reality the case for Black reparations is nonexistent.
The case for reparations made TO the American White male has barely been scratched.
“Blacks” in America are screaming for the White man to be removed.
Let us do that.
Let’s accede the high ground when it comes to the American White fighting male.
There has never been a greater force for freedom than the American Military which has historically been overwhelmingly White and male, but let us forget that one.
Let’s just focus on today’s America.
If we were to remove cars, cell phones, the Internet, airplanes, and electricity the Black population would cease to exist.
If we were to remove the need to pick cotton . . . that disappeared a long time ago.
Also the Liberal agenda is asking for reparations in United States Dollars.
Can’t do it.
Created by the White man.
How about Constitutional Rights?
Created by the White man.
Sports, media, entertainment?
White man.
White man.
White man.
How about the Black man’s Freedom of Speech?
Without the White man you don’t have that either.
In fact the language spoken in this country is a creation of the White man.
The time for Reparations is NOW.
The only question is how much is the American White male OWED.
It isn’t measurable.
Maybe just say thank you and shut the fuck up.
You can’t write that check anyway.
Isn’t grouping humans by skin color just grand?
Bigotry for all!
Now I am not White, Black or Brown for that matter because I am not a bigot.
I am an American but I feel comfortable in saying from an American colorless perspective WE aren’t interested in collecting anything that we didn’t do with our own hands nor will we allow ourselves to be punished for deeds we did not commit.
WE actually believe in the famous words of judging a man or woman by their character not the color of their skin and WE believe in this so strongly that as long as you are willing to stand shoulder to shoulder with us to defend the greatest nation in the history of Man, WE will always have your back based on that premise alone.
Parenthetically your skin color will not protect you from your treasonous actions.
We will hang all of you Liberals, BLM, Antifa, La Raza, Hamas, RINOS, and Democratic Supporters with the same colorless rope.
We do care about three specific colors WHEN they are blended together in a pattern of Stars and Stripes.
The Red, the White, the Blue and we will defend her from all enemies.
Foreign or DOMESTIC.
At this point neither of those designations matter.
You all gotta go.
Jason Kraus