This week brought its own challenges and due to those challenges I will continue to pull columns from the past that are sadly even more appropriate to report today.
God bless,
Crazy never seems to take a day off in America these days.
Crazier are the Republicans, Independents, and Conservatives that continue to watch the behavior of the Liberals and treat them as though they are humans with simply “different thoughts” or “different ideas”.
Let’s sum it up nice and quick.
Liberals or Progressives belong to or support groups such as La Raza, BLM, Hamas, and the Screen Actors Guild.
I wish the SAG reference was a joke.
They OPENLY support the fall of the United States.
La Raza wants California and most of the Southwest.
Hamas wants Sharia.
Black Lives Matter wants all White people dead and Hollywood not only wants Trump drawn and quartered but they now want his son to be raped.
They’ve moved from Bernie Sanders telling women that they all fantasize about being raped, simultaneously, by three different men, to a Fonda, fantasizing about child molestation.
This isn’t sarcasm.
These things are said EVERY SINGLE DAY.
It is time for us to recognize that not all humans in America want to be free.
It is time for us to recognize that not all humans in America want to be American.
We need only look to the “European Union” to see what a powerful disease Progressivism has become.
Citizens living under that debacle are subject to “communal” decisions and are no longer referred to as Germans, French, or Italians but rather “Europeans”.
NAFTA wasn’t a “trade” agreement.
It was an agreement to create the North American “Union”.
From the top of Canada, to the bottom of Mexico, tractor-trailers have been rolling for decades unfettered allowing the transport and trafficking of humans, drugs, and weapons.
MS-13 is in every major city in these United States.
Drug addictions including but not limited to opioids are at an all-time high in America.
Islam preaches death to America from Quebec to Mexico City while the Pope, living behind walls and protected by arms, calls for the United States Citizen to have neither.
Tens of millions collect checks for doing nothing while tens of millions work 40, 50, and 60 hour weeks feeling the brunt of taxation without the benefit of representation.
American children die everyday in “progressive” cities across America while Liberals like Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Paul Ryan, and a traitorous media encourage and allow the trafficking, rape, and murder of Honduran, Guatemalan, and Mexican children daily as well, in order to boost their profits and vote totals, current and future.
Many in the “law enforcement” wing of the Executive Branch are willfully ignoring the Chief Executive while others are trying to remove him from office.
The Judicial Branch has overtaken the country and allows for different “interpretations” of the Constitution and Law depending upon the geographical location of the Citizenry.
The Legislative Branch is filled with traitors and/or cowards, no Party exclusion.
These are not people with “different ideas or thoughts”.
They are the enablers.
They are the instigators.
They are the parasitic tumors that must be dealt with.
Some will ask how.
Those that need to ask don’t need to be answered.
Jason Kraus