Nevada Democratic debate live updates

FAN Editor

Six Democratic candidates are meeting on the debate stage in Las Vegas, Nevada, on Wednesday night. Nevada voters will caucus on Saturday, and early voting is already underway. 

Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Pete Buttigieg, Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar are returning to the stage and will this time be joined by Michael Bloomberg, who just qualified by attracting 19% support the NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll that was released early Tuesday. Bloomberg is not on the ballot in Nevada or in the next contest in South Carolina, the last primary before Super Tuesday. 

NBC News and MSNBC are hosting the debate in Las Vegas, in partnership with the Nevada Independent newspaper.

The debate takes place after the first two voting contests in Iowa and New Hampshire, where Sanders and Buttigieg won the most delegates. Biden, who finished fourth and fifth in those contests, is hoping for a strong finish in Nevada, which has a more diverse population than either of the first two voting states.

Democrats are growing anxious about the caucuses after Iowa’s caucuses were marred by technological glitches that delayed the reporting of the results. Nevada has already scrapped the flawed app used in Iowa in favor of a Google form to be used on iPads.

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