Cramer’s comments came while the stock market took a nose dive on Monday, raising fears of a possible recession. The Dow Jones Industrial Average tumbled 1,033.99 points, or 2.6%, while the Nasdaq Composite and S&P 500 fell 3.43% and 3%, respectively. The Dow and S&P 500 closed on their worst day since September 2022.
The CNBC host also offered praise to Vice President Kamala Harris, applauding her for bringing in her brother-in-law, Tony West, as a close adviser. West is an attorney and served as the associate attorney general in the Obama administration. Cramer said West is a “business person” and contrasted that with the few business people surrounding President Biden.
“There was no business person really that close to Biden, except for Gina Raimondo, so this is a nice change of pace, a lot of business people surrounding Harris,” he said.
Last week, President Biden claimed to have “cured the economy” when asked about what his legacy would be.
“Mr. President, What do you want your legacy for Gen Z to be?” a reporter asked.
“That I cured the economy. And the environment. And a few other small things,” Biden responded.
Fox News’ Anders Hagstrom and Matthew Kazin contributed to this report.