Satanic Temple challenges Missouri abortion law

FAN Editor

A member of the Satanic Temple in Missouri is challenging a state law that requires women seeking an abortion to wait three days, saying that it violates the member’s religious freedom. The Satanic Temple doesn’t believe in a literal Satan but sees the biblical Satan as a metaphor for rebellion […]

EU offers UK a Brexit delay until Halloween

FAN Editor

European Union leaders and Britain on Thursday agreed to a Brexit extension that will allow the U.K. to delay its EU departure date until Halloween. Leaders of the 27 remaining EU member states met for more than six hours before agreeing after midnight to postpone Brexit until Oct. 31. European […]

‘I think spying did occur’ on Trump campaign: Barr

FAN Editor

Attorney General William Barr on Wednesday refused – for a second day – to say whether the White House has seen special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigative report, though he did open the door wider to the possibility that Congress would see more of it than he has previously acknowledged. He […]