George Zimmerman banned from Tinder dating app

FAN Editor

The ex-neighborhood watch volunteer who killed an unarmed black teen in Florida in 2012 has been banned from the dating app Tinder. An emailed statement from Tinder cited users safety as a reason for removing George Zimmermans profile. An article by Tampa, Florida, weekly Creative Loafing says Zimmerman used a […]

Ex-Marine arrested in North Korea embassy attack in Madrid

FAN Editor

A man suspected of involvement in a mysterious dissident groups February raid on North Koreas Embassy in Madrid was arrested in Los Angeles by U.S. authorities. Christopher Ahn, a former U.S. Marine, was arrested and charged Friday, according to a person familiar with the matter. The specific charges against Ahn […]

Many House Democrats wary of trying to impeach Trump after Mueller report

FAN Editor

Democrats renewed consideration of impeaching President Donald Trump after the release of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report, with leading progressives and some presidential candidates calling for swift action — as Democratic leaders cautioned restraint. In interviews with ABC News, a half dozen House Democrats remained wary of immediately launching impeachment […]

Tiger attacks keeper at zoo

FAN Editor

A tiger attacked a zookeeper Saturday morning at a zoo in Topeka, Kansas, according to a city spokeswoman. The tiger, named Sanjiv, and the zookeeper were in the “same place” Saturday when he attacked her, said Molly Hadfield, a spokeswoman for the City of Topeka. “A few people did see […]

Trump lashes out at ex-advisers who spoke with Mueller

FAN Editor

President Donald Trump lashed out Friday at current and former aides who cooperated with special counsel Robert Muellers investigation, insisting the deeply unflattering picture they painted of him and the White House was total bullshit. In a series of angry tweets from rainy Palm Beach, Florida, Trump laced into those […]