A shining, shimmering, splendid ring was placed on Jasmine’s finger at the end of a recent British production of the show, “Aladdin.” Aladdin proposed during the curtain call in front of an elated audience Friday night.
Matthew Pomeroy, who is depicting the male lead at De Montfort Hall in Leicester, England, proposed to Natasha Lamb, who plays Jasmine, on Friday after the show ended. According to BBC News, both of their parents were in the audience to witness the surprise engagement.
“For the last four years, you’ve changed my life. You are the kindest, most caring person,” Pomeroy said to thunderous cheers from the audience.
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“Tash, I love you with all my heart, you’re my best friend,” he said.
The actor pulled out a small box, pointed to Lamb’s parents in the audience, and got down on one knee. Lamb said yes, and streamers fell from the ceiling as the couple embraced on stage.
Pomeroy, 30, told the BBC he is not prone to stage fright, but he was especially nervous about Friday’s performance.
“It was scary,” he said. “I hadn’t worked out where to put the ring after my costume change for the finale as it didn’t have pockets — so when I bowed I thought it would fall out the belt.”
But he said the end of the show was the perfect time for him to pop the question.
“I spend my life on stage,” he said. “It’s my happy place. Proposing on there fits me perfectly.”
Surprising their parents with the proposal was an added bonus. “It made it more magical and special,” Pomeroy said.
The couple met backstage while performing at Butlin’s Minehead Resort in the south of England and have toured the world performing together ever since.
Lamb said she had no idea the proposal was coming.
“I’m still a bit overwhelmed to be honest,” she told the BBC. “It’s a bit of a blur. I’m glad I’ve got the video to watch it back. I had no idea what he was going to do, it was incredible.”
“It’s the best way for us,” she continued, echoing Pomeroy’s sentiments about proposing on stage. “We spend every day together on stage and shall carry on for however many more years to come.”