Transcript for Navy pilot says he had encounter with UFO
Reporter: According to the “New York Times,” just one of many alleged sightings investigated by the secret $22 million ufo unit run by the U.S. Department of defense. This, another incident from 2004, retired rival commander David fraber was piloting an f-18 super hornet on a routine training mission that day. I have never seen anything in my life that had the performance, the acceleration, and it’s moving around left, right, forward, back. The radar starts getting jammed. All of a sudden it takes off. Reporter: The Pentagon tells ABC news the advanced aviation threat identification program ended in the 2012 time frame, was determined there were other, higher priority issues that merited funding. I don’t know if it was alien life, but I will say in an infinite universe with multiple galaxies that we know of, that if we’re the only planet with life, it’s a pretty lonely universe. Reporter: For “Nightline,” I’m Nick watt in Los Angeles.
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