Only evil flies in jets while proclaiming the world is dying because of people flying in jets.

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Roughly three quarters of the planet is covered in specific molecular combustion.

Certain “gasses” smashing into each other that create, restore, and allow life.

Unlike today’s “snowflakes” the real McCoy requires Hydrogen (2 parts) and Oxygen (1 part).  Without this incredible process of evolution, life as we know it, would not exist.

According to the powers that be the human body is about 60 percent H2O.  I’m pretty sure to be a registered Democrat, Methane must make up the other 40 percent, although listening to the noise coming out of Paris ( and Kathy Griffin) it appears those numbers need to be reversed.

Talk about piles of steaming…gasses.

The rest of our bodies are a collection of other compressed gasses or elements, including carbon.

Say it with me libs.


I just drafted ten sentences that should be easily understandable to any thinking human, and as thinking humans, everyone should be able to describe, using only five letters, what I am referring to, and has been called the “solvent of life”.

The sad thing is most liberals have no idea what they just read (they probably think “allow life” was about abortion) yet millions of them think human behavior is controlling the “climate” here on Earth.

Talk about hubris.

Of course with self-proclaimed nicknames like Yeezus and Charlamagne tha God, believing one can control the planet seems par for the course.

Makes me wistful for the lip syncing of Milli Vanilli.

They knew they didn’t control the Earth.

They blamed it on the rain.

I digress.

I won’t bother this time trying to explain that climate, weather, and pollution are three different things.

It wouldn’t matter to the dems as these are all non-monosyllabic words.

We just lost them again as half of them giggled about “mono” and thoughts of high school, and the other half think syllabic means Islamophobia.

It appears the vaginas and hijabs have cut off the blood to their brains.

How is it we breathe the same air?

Maybe a question for another time.

Maybe not.

The Earth is made up of three primary layers or at least that’s what we humans have decided.

I doubt Mother Earth cares at all about what we do, think or say.

After dealing with the dinosaurs (and whatever actually created the Grand Canyon) we are probably a breath of fresh air or at least a lesser form of “change”.

Could you imagine the consumption pattern of the T-Rex?

Then again probably couldn’t be any worse than an H-Clinton.

We’ve labeled Gaia (no liberals this isn’t about homosexuality) in three steps.

Crust, mantle, and core.

The humans who really love this stuff have sub-labels and terminology like deformation patterns and thermal convection.

I find the Earth fascinating.

I find the professorial usage of verbiage, to explain educated guesses (opinions), annoying.

A quote attributed to one of the smartest minds in the history of Man says it all.

“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.”

Could you imagine Albert Einstein trying to explain “climate change” to a liberal?

I doubt he’d even try, but if he did, it wouldn’t matter.

They’d just wink and nod at each other, and whisper behind the back of a Son of Isaac.

Let us attempt this in the simplest of ways.  Current science says the Earth could be billions of years old.

Of course we also created the measurement of “years” and “billions” so when it comes down to it we think this collection of compressed gasses has been here a long time. We also think it was uninhabitable to many species, including our own, for billions of years.

It only became livable for man and mankind when the “climate changed”.

Did you get that liberals?

When the climate changed.

The concept that the usage of fossil fuels is killing the planet is absurd.  The entire planet is in one form or another made up of components of the same gasses found in fossil fuels.

Furthermore “climate” measurements are supposedly taken over centuries.

By the liberals own definition there hasn’t been enough time to get any measurable information that the usage of fossils fuels in the combustible engine is “warming the planet”.

Only evil would fly around in jets, while proclaiming the world is dying, because of people flying around in jets.

Only the colossally stupid would proclaim the world is dying, because of people flying around in jets, and then vote for people FLYING AROUND IN JETS.

In other words the followers of Clinton and Sanders and apparently Trudeau, Macron, Merkel, et al.

Be very careful Europe.

Germany was the instigator in two World Wars and supported Stalin until Hitler thought he didn’t need to anymore.

The EU is already in bed with Putin.

Where do you think they get their fossil fuels?

Don’t worry Clintonistas.  Russia got their uranium from us courtesy of the organized crime family known as the Clinton Foundation.

That isn’t true Jason.

Of course it isn’t.  She never had a private server either.  Oh wait she did.  She just didn’t mean to or was too stupid to understand she had one according to Jimmy The FBI Fixer Comey.

Maybe that’s what all the C’s stood for.

By the way Sanders athletic supporters I have a question.

How can you HATE Hillary and then support Bernie after he endorsed the Crooked One?

This is a special kind of stupid.

The same kind of stupid that screams about fossil fuels, purchases overpriced Priuses and Teslas, but loves natural gas.

Out here in the Golden State (Northern) we have a new name for these types of wretched tools.

We call them Jerry (Don’t flush until) Brown voters.

Dear libs.  We have so much water and snow pack in Northern California our dams have been open for months.

There will be skiing in Tahoe, on the snow and on the lake, in July.

I am a huge fan of climate change.

Without it none of us would be here.  It would just be the cockroaches and the one celled amoebas.

Then again after pondering that last line I stand corrected.

I guess the Clinton and Sanders voters would be here after all.

Can’t you just hear the heads of the parasitic liberals popping right now like a fat tick you just took off your dog and then threw into the wood stove.

Country and mountain folk know exactly what I’m talking about.

They can also spell H2O using five letters.

Jason Kraus

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