2020 Election Live Updates: Biden to speak as results keep trickling in from Arizona and Nevada

FAN Editor

Results trickled in all day Friday from four states that have yet to be called in the presidential race, with Joe Biden opening leads in Georgia and in Pennsylvania, where a victory would secure a majority of electoral votes needed to win the White House.

Biden surpassed the president in Pennsylvania Friday morning, and as of 6:45 p.m. led by more than 17,000 votes. The secretary of state said Friday afternoon that the majority of mail-in and absentee ballots have been counted, and the process of counting provisional ballots has begun.

In Georgia, Biden had an even slimmer lead — 4,175 votes. Georgia’s top election official said they expected to “know the final universe of numbers by today.” The secretary of state said the slim margin would automatically trigger a recount under state law.

Mr. Trump, meanwhile, spent the day out of public view but vowed not to concede. His team selected David Bossie, a longtime political adviser, to lead the effort to challenge the results in several states.

CBS News still considers Georgia, Pennsylvania and North Carolina toss-ups, while Nevada and Arizona are considered likely to go to Biden. The president made up ground in Arizona, while Biden slightly expanded his lead in Nevada.

CBS News projected on Friday morning that Democrat Mark Kelly will win the Senate seat in Arizona, making it the second seat Democrats were able to flip. Currently, the balance of power in the Senate is 48 to 48, with the vice president able to break a tie. Control of the Senate may not be determined until January, since both Georgia Senate elections are likely to go to a runoff. 

Find results for all races in the CBS News Election Center, and updates from key states here:

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