Her husband deployed bear spray during the attack which warded off the bear.
October 3, 2023, 5:37 AM
A 73-year-old woman has been attacked by a bear while she was walking with her husband and her dog near the U.S.-Canada border.
The incident occurred at approximately 3 p.m. on Sunday afternoon when officials from Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks were notified that a woman had been “attacked along the bank of Trail Creek a few miles west of the North Fork Road,” officials said.
“The victim was on national forestland with her husband and dog when the bear emerged from thick brush and attacked her,” authorities from Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks said. “Her husband deployed bear spray and the bear moved away from the victim. They returned to their vehicle and drove to a location where they could call emergency services.”
An air ambulance was immediately dispatched to the site of the attack, some 20 miles south of the U.S.-Canada border, and the woman who was attacked was flown by helicopter to Logan Health Medical Center in Kalispell, Montana — about 50 miles south from where the bear attack occurred.
“FWP wardens and bear specialists are actively investigating the incident and monitoring the site along Trail Creek known as the “Bubble ups” where the creek flows underground before rising to the surface,” officials said.
The site is currently closed while the investigation continues and authorities have not disclosed what kind of bear was involved in the attack.
“Montana is bear country. In fall, bears are active for longer periods as they consume more food in preparation for hibernation. This period overlaps with hunting season and other fall recreation activities,” FWP said in a statement warning about similar attacks. “Avoiding conflicts with bears is easier than dealing with conflicts.”