Transcript for Rescue dogs save boy buried in snow
Now to the miracle rescue at a popular ski resort, a 12-year-old boy was caught in an avalanche, swept away from his group and buried under the snow for 40 minutes before he was pulled out alive thanks to the help of brave rescue dogs and James Longman joins us from London with that story. Good morning, James. Reporter: Good morning, Eva. Definitely a Christmas miracle for one young boy this year trapped in an avalanche in the French alps. His only hope, the rescue dogs sent to save him. The sights and sounds of this chopper perhaps the best gift this 12-year-old could ask for after a young boy found himself buried in snow and ice for 40 minutes. More than double the amount of time believed to be survivable. The young skier was on a closed black diamond run at a popular ski resort in the French alps when he was suddenly trapped in the aftermath of an avalanche. The boy was able to be located with the help of a rescue dog. According to the dog’s handler the canine put his nose on the snow and scratched the area with his paw. A mountain rescue team arrived less than 30 minutes later. Racing to save the youth trapped beneath the snow and ice, rescue workers feared he had just 15 minutes to live desperately digging the boy out of the snow as that chopper followed overhead. Once free the workers wave the chopper down. And he’s hoisted to safety able to escape with just a broken leg. Now, this was all the more exceptional because it’s not thought he was wearing any kind of tracking device they often wear. Those dogs really did save his life. Is there something you should do if you’re caught in an avalanche like that? Reporter: Yeah, right, well, experts say if you’re ever trapped in an avalanche suffocation is actually the biggest concern, so the thing to do is create an air pocket as big as possible with your hands digging the snow around your head and could help you survive for several hours, Eva. Thanks, James. An incredible story. So fortunate he is alive. We turn to the frightening
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