Transcript for Military family’s reunion ignites a viral, emotional reaction
Finally tonight, movie magic. All ban a true or ontary family’s journey captur on video. E powerful reunion. It’s “America strong.” The home video starts with Fath’s deploymen army specibryan campos yibye to his wife and 3-year-old daughter. Hi, baby. Hi, mama. Orter: THAs aria, O stars in the video. And her Y bear whohe calls “Dad bear.” Y bear, a minder of he real fher, gone R nearly nine months serving overseas in Y. You love Y es, I miss him. You miss daddy? How much do you love your daddy? Hill. Reporter: With the song “Comeme” from one republic, the vio picks up with the day specst campos set to return. Aria making him a sign, “Hand Overy dancing bere S arrival, waiting, and then mom sees the busy our ps. Moment. Lot all thoschildren running to see their parents. Then aria and mom star make their way,suddenly they see him and start to run. This magical moment seen by more than million pple. And you can see why. Aria got a little bit emotional and we were both — we didn’tlly know wt because it just so my emotionst once. As soon I saw them, it was just unreal. It was an expece waiting EP’s idea Toake thvideo to haria get through those tough times without inspired all those powerful videos of servicemeiting with their families. Iust came up with the idea toe the videfor herself.ay she cou watch it D love it as much as those video that she watched. On my iPad. Rr:ides her iPad and Facebook, the moment also lives on in each ofm. Deep in their hearts, where it’shel of us.hank the campos family for shthat story and that deo. We thank you for watching. M Tom llamas in New York. “Gma” first thin morning. David Muir R back here tomorrow night. Have a greatning. Night. Ribeiro: Here’s a sneak peek at tonig “Afv.”
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