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Transcript for Key moments from final presidential debate
Welcome back everyone joining us now to break down tonight’s debate our powerhouse roundtable Matt. Down ABC news’ chief political analyst Rahm Emanuel a former mayor of Chicago Chris Christie. The good former governor of New Jersey Serra Fagan CEO of deep route analytics and eat bet Simpson CEO. Democracy for America Governor Christie at like to start with you it was repeat certainly of the last debate the president trump went after Joseph bind and aggressively you’ve certainly coach Jim before Chris do you think it. The change in tone helped the president tonight it and is it too late to make a difference. It absolutely helped presidents like to change in tone music did two things one it lowered the sheet so that people could actually listen. Put the two candidates are saying. And secondly it allowed Joseph Biden room to talk about what he wanted to talk about. Which I’ve been advocating for president you were from beginning because Joseph Biden to be new strategic mistake tonight. He said he’s going to go to zero carbon quite 20/20 five in five years and phase out the oil industry. I am confident that voters in the middle of Pennsylvania. And in certain places of Ohio in particular. Are going to be hearing that Dunkirk thing in knowing that Joseph Biden is going to be eliminating their jobs in five years or less different or zero carbon bikes when he’s 45. I think this is a big big mistake right Joseph Biden tonight and I think he’s gonna pay for it could very well pay Ford presence in Pennsylvania. Robin how they’re scored Joseph Biden tonight on the way that he handle those personal tax from president. Both have a I think he was most passionate when he talked to the American people about the challenges their lies have. And how they provide for their families in their children’s future and he clearly headed in a very personal way understanding the pressure points. Take this one thing when Joseph Biden was talking about missing so loved one from Coby Dick secretary understood what happens to a family in the destructive. There was no empathy or even recognition by the president of people suffering under cold it. That it illustrates a difference I think in the end of the day. Joseph Biden in my view did a good job and better than a good job for himself he was aggressive he didn’t sit on a leak. He was concise he had a plan and he spoke to it. I think Donald Trump never really effectively made this a binary choice and if you think of the debate as a whole as a closing argument to the voters in the end of the day. The architecture this race is a referendum on Donald Trump. And it continues to be that not only on the policies but the coarseness of his rhetoric that has actually ripped America apart. And Joseph Biden embrace that yes character. Is on the ballot. And Sarah voters actually got to hear two candidates express full sentence differences on policies tonight. The press has been consistently touting his economic record could you think made a better case tonight for bringing the economy back. I think the president when we are talking about the economy is usually winning the debate. Let me just project strong. On what he’s done to improve the lives Middle East. He talked at length about everything from historically black colleges. To his senate criminal justice for farm. Job growth under a for these communities the pretty good job of putting that together tonight and I I think it’s actually is stronger argument that he mistake to many time did he didn’t do it tonight. The too many times he gets caught up in. It’s statements that are considered racially insensitive he did not do that tonight he focused on the policy. And on economic policy he does pretty well with most voters you bet your thoughts on what’s Aaron just said. I think that he was Donald Trump you know you say here that leases. Racist president in the U say you’re the least racist person in the room with an African American female. Moderator and then he says the room is dark cannot just let everyone in the room it’s. If tone deaf it’s insensitive. It just shows more of his embellishment is is being divorced from reality. The fact that he really doesn’t understand the needs of African Americans I think one of the things that I’m Joseph Biden did for the first time was bringing forward the central part five. And the way he handled that situation which is really really sensitive for African Americans and I think he also did a good job of talking about the fact that. Many of the reforms the Donald Trump takes credit for including the low unemployment among African Americans and Hispanics. Started under the profundity Obama Biden administration. If I think he could’ve said that more and more and more this is the first time actually got I think a very clear answer for him from him on that. Matt Allison O’Donnell job is not winning more points among African American face on his debate performance today. Met dabbling to bring UN we have less than two weeks ago where does but I didn’t need at this point to be focusing his attention and spending his time on the trail and what message that he especially be hammering home. Well it did since we already have by almost fifty million people voted in were. As of tomorrow going to be eleven days. Away from Election Day and most of all of the votes will be cast by next Friday by a week from Friday on the majority of votes will be cast. I think Biden just keeps doing what he’s doing I thought I was struck. The biggest thing I was struck tonight this was a debate. That Donald Trump had to have it not have to get back in fees ten points down to get back in. I think Joseph Biden went up but that would thing as I said it struck me the most was what he should keep doing which. Joseph Biden continually talked to a team brought American public. From every red Blue States red states Blue States everybody. Donald Trump was talking to Fox News viewers tonight almost everything he said was pre presume some information that people got on Fox News. Joseph Biden was speaking to the broad swath of America. And so if I were Joseph Biden he’s got the lead. Keep doing what you’re doing and keep speaking that brought American public because he’s got the lead right now and unless something drastically changes he’s gonna keep that lead. Covered nineteen of course remains the number one issue in this campaign and we’re certainly seeing a resurgence in many states. Chris see you seem to that had new appreciation of the disease since you caught it the president. The perhaps is is taking that a little bit differently would you think of it. He would fare better if he showed a little more empathy. Listen what I’ve learned in politics Lindsay is you have to be yourself. You have to be authentic. And Jeff to say what you really believe in feel and people can tell that when you do. Meant so we’re I would say the prisoners say what’s in your heart. Men tell people what’s really think and when you try to pretend like Joseph Biden did tonight on this issue. He said he was going to be the president the American president. And that he isn’t seeing red states or Blue States and then worry after he said that he said but I want to remind everybody. All the spikes you see right now are happening in red states. Well you know mr. vice president if you don’t seem red states or Blue States that why did you take that shot. That people in red states it’s because he does see red states and Blue States and he was not being authentic then. He was being scripted that was a line he was given. Well for he made that statement and then the real Joseph Biden came out after that statement we talked about the spikes being in red states so here’s my advice to both. And every politician I’ve met. Be authentic. Be yourself because of my mother used to tell me if you if you yourself and Europe to try to remember tomorrow we pretended to be yesterday and Joseph by that will move. Public that tonight. Has good advice for assault at least 47 point one million Americans have already cast their ballots already as many as the total early vote from all of 2016. Ramo what are we read into this intense enthusiasm. Well I mean. The fact is it going like to Tony eighteen year the biggest mid term election there is a and you’re gonna have an all of us have predicted. There was going to be a massive turnout in the presidential that was true in the primaries there is passion. I’m both sides. But the passion is also driven not only by Democrats who are being angry at Donald Trump for what he’s done to the country. But independent voters suburban voters college educated voters senior voters. Who were anti Hillary less time have become anti trump this time. And they are there to cast that ballot and when you have energized Democrats we’ve exhausted independents who now are gonna choose a safe Democrat. That is a very robust political coalition. I would say why the thing about the debate. Donald do you know party campaigns are you gonna do everything you’re supposed to do and you need your point to do everything you hope they do. Joseph Biden did not play with the role that Donald Trump needing him to do. It was good he was street he was compact he was right to the camera it’s it is not about me in my family is about your family your kids’ future and when he did day. He spoke write to him where they were and no time did trump engage the American people about where they were using gay gym giving him Craig himself credit for what he got done. That’s not where the country is and that’s not what they want to hear former presidents about them. Not him. Thank you Ron and that’s all the time that we have for tonight a big thank you. To our entire powerhouse roundtable and to you at home joining us keep it right here on ABC news line for an encore of tonight’s debate good evening.
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