Now Playing: Tom Steyer makes his case at Iowa caucuses
Now Playing: Elizabeth Warren takes stage in Iowa
Now Playing: I have a ‘good feeling’ about Iowa: Bernie
Now Playing: Amy Klobuchar addresses supporters in Iowa
Now Playing: Biden says he’s ‘in this for the long haul’
Now Playing: Iowa caucuses voting results delayed
Now Playing: Iowa Democratic caucusgoers’ top priority is who can beat Donald Trump
Now Playing: ‘I know he can win’: Seth Moulton discusses why he joined Biden campaign
Now Playing: Voters demand more transparency in Iowa caucuses
Now Playing: Former Obama aide discusses why he joined Buttigieg’s campaign
Now Playing: Why Mike Bloomberg is sitting out the Iowa caucuses
Now Playing: Breaking down how the Iowa caucuses work
Now Playing: Amy Klobuchar’s campaign manager discusses time in Iowa
Now Playing: Breaking down how much money Democratic candidates spent in Iowa
Now Playing: Democrats make final impeachment plea in the Senate
Now Playing: Which counties are the ones to watch during the Iowa caucuses?
Now Playing: Iowa swing county conflicted on immigration
Now Playing: DNC Chair Tom Perez discusses Iowa caucuses
Now Playing: Breaking down how much time Democratic candidates have spent in Iowa