Love One Another

FAN Moderator

Eckhart Tolle once wrote about the process of “presence” or “being”. William Shakespeare spoke about this as well, long ago, in the ever famous line, “to be or not to be that is the question.” I believe the concept of “being” is the positive evolution of the animal known as […]

“Is Barack Obama a muslim?”

FAN Moderator

Come on already.  It’s an easy question to answer. “Is Barack Obama a muslim?” When you watch Donald Trump and Ben Carson and the muslim issue is brought up it is very clear by their body language where they stand. They believe Obama is a muslim. They aren’t alone. My […]

Lies, Obama, and choices…our choices.

FAN Moderator

“There’s a reason we don’t lie to each other.” “What’s that Mom?” My mom smiled at me.  “Beside it being wrong nothing good ever comes from it.” That made sense to me even as a five year old. I’ve always listened to my body.  If I want to do something […]