During his latest “My Take,” “Varney & Co.” host Stuart Varney discusses U.S. corporations “pushing politics as much as product” amid Bud Light’s controversial partnership with trans influencer Dylan Mulvaney, arguing they’re trying to usher Americans into a “brave new world of identity and equity.”
STUART VARNEY: Anheuser-Busch has apologized, kind of, for an advertising campaign that featured trans activist Dylan Mulvaney.
“We never intended to be part of a discussion that divides people. We are in the business of bringing people together over a beer.”
Too late. Bud Light sales dropped like a stone last week.
And that’s largely the result of the Mulvaney campaign.
It sure looks like a rare, successful, conservative boycott.
Who buys cases of beer? Young men!
Why should they respond to an ad campaign featuring a man who transitions into a woman?
Why did Bud abandon its market? Because they wanted a high score on the “corporate equality index.”
That’s the benchmark activists use to judge how woke corporations actually are. Get a low score and you may get a shake-down.
The thing is, these corporations are pushing politics as much as product.
They are in full-scale virtue signaling mode.
Like Biden, they’re trying to push us all into a brave new world of identity and equity.
An intellectual straight jacket which you’ve got to like and accept, or you’re, as Hillary once said, “a deplorable.”