Chamber of Digital Commerce founder and CEO Perianne Boring says ‘now’ is the time for more ETFs to enter the U.S. market.
In a FOX Business exclusive interview, Chamber of Digital Commerce founder and CEO Perianne Boring detailed a new report investigating why the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has denied 16 companies’ bitcoin ETF applications, which revealed the refusals are most likely due to a “larger political agenda” on “Mornings with Maria” Monday.
PERIANNE BORING: We detail this in the report itself, and our best guess and our conclusion is that this has little to do with the industry not being able to meet the SEC standards to bring an ETF to market, but it has a lot more to do with a larger political agenda. Chairman Gensler has a very aggressive agenda and is looking to expand the SEC’s jurisdiction and authority throughout the digital asset ecosystem, and he has laid this out in congressional testimony.

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has denied 16 different bitcoin ETF applications likely due to a “larger political agenda,” Chamber of Digital Commerce founder and CEO Perianne Boring said on “Mornings with Maria” Monday, September 12, 20 (Getty Images)
So we detail that in the crypto conundrum. And the reason why it’s such a conundrum is really going back to those protections for the retail investors. They’ve accomplished the exact opposite of their mission, and they’re discriminating against issuers that operate in this new and innovative environment. It’s time for a spot, bitcoin ETF to come to market now.
Chamber of Digital Commerce founder and CEO Perianne Boring breaks down the SEC’s record of refusing to approve companies’ bitcoin ETFs.