Anthony Scaramucci, days after he was appointed White House communications director in 2017, wrote an email to Rob Goldstone, the music promoter who played a role in setting up a meeting between Russians linked to the Kremlin and Donald Trump Jr. and top campaign figures at Trump Tower in 2016.
In a statement to CNBC, Scaramucci denied that his email to Goldstone had something to do with Russia.
Scaramucci’s email to Goldstone came in late July 2017, after Trump appointed him to the senior White House role. Weeks earlier, reports broke about the Trump Tower meeting and Goldstone’s role in helping arrange it.
“I don’t officially start until the 15th Rob. But I just wanted to drop you a line to say if you ever need to pick my brains then my door is always open,” Scaramucci wrote in an email dated July 23, 2017. The email was included in thousands of pages of documents released Wednesday morning by Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa.
“Obviously there is still pressure on all sides, but if we remain consistent and united I don’t envisage any issues we can’t ride out,” Scaramucci also wrote.
Scaramucci was fired as White House communications director at the end of July, less than two weeks after his appointment.
Read Scaramucci’s statement to CNBC here:
I understand what people are trying to imply, because they are obviously after the president. They’re trying to imply that the email had something to do with Russia, but I can state declaratively that it had nothing to do with Russia because I had no involvement there. Moreover, I supplied all of my emails as requested by both the House and Senate and have never been asked to testify before the Mueller investigators or the House or the Senate.