Poems, Prayers, and Promises

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Dear Jason,

Recently I read an article written by you years ago. I am amazed at how accurate you’ve been. Can you address what you think our country will look ten years from now?

Thank you for your comment and question and yes I can.

First and foremost ten years from now the country will be dramatically thinner as millions will either stop eating so much, and move around more, or will die from a combination of heart attacks, strokes, diseases and of course medical/government intervention.

We only have to look back over the last twenty-four months to see the powers-that-be at work scaring people into injections that either killed them or continue to do major damage inside their bodies, never mind decades of “take this pill” that only went to covering up symptoms and ignoring the real issue(s).

You can pay now, significant daily exercise and caloric sanity, or pay later, surgeries, chemotherapy, incapacitation and death, but eventually you will pay.

The willingness of too many humans to live in fear because they are obese, something they control, or to live in stupidity, as the government literally told people their skin color made them more susceptible to a “virus” that was leaked from a Chinese lab, proves millions in this country will perish much earlier than they should over the next decade.

Lie to me once, shame on you.

Lie to me twice, I’m an idiot for ever listening to you again.

Ten years from now the fraud of “man made” climate change will be a footnote laughed about in bars as once again PT Barnum continues to be absolutely correct.

Yes, bars will still exist. This new generation loves to drink even though every recent major study is now telling the truth.

Alcohol and marijuana are HORRIBLE for your glands, organs, muscle and joints, basically every cell in your body is weakened by these poisons but these kids gotta get their groove on so play on playa, hate the game not the gamer, you’ll simply hate it for less time than the “sober” Gen Zers.

Not California Sobriety, actual sobriety.

This canard will also be connected to the “mask wearers” as people will stop asking how the “Jews just got on the trains” to be replaced by how insane one had to be to willingly wear a scarlet letter on their face and believe they were protected because a man, Fauci, the poster boy for Adrenochrome, said so, before he said no, before he said yes, before he said to double and triple up.

Of course ten years from now references to Jews and trains and the Scarlet Letter will disappear anyway as history is removed, changed, burned, or lost because very few will read books anymore.

There are dozens of other changes coming, some positive, some not, as different types of “energy” will be created although I doubt in ten years if anything will replace the power and sustainability of the Earth’s gift of natural fuels known as coal, oil, natural gas, wood, etc.

Currencies and banking will be dramatically different as the forty and under crowd overwhelmingly embrace some form of “digital” exchange.

The cell phone has already replaced the mind and without question will go down over the next decade as the most addictive substance in human history, eventually replacing sugar as new creations will tap the drugs in the brain through the eyes rather than the stomach.

Overall it will be different, and not so much, as the more things change the more they stay the same.

What about you Jason?

I’ll be further into the mountains lifting logs, climbing trees, and walking miles on uneven terrain breathing deeply the gift from God known as the forest, soaking up the sun and singing John Denver songs.

Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy.

I hope to see many of you there in the decades to come.

Of course that choice is yours.

Invest now or pay later.

I’ve never believed in debt so I’ll happily invest now and as part of my investment I’ll borrow another Denver song to finish this column.

Poems, prayers and promises and things that we believe in.

I believe in Freedom.

I believe in America and I believe in you.

God has done enough, the rest is up to us.

Let’s get to work.

See you next week.

As always I’ll be right here.

Jason Kraus



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