Family survives fire, Thousand Oaks carnage
Members of one California family survived two unthinkable tragedies less than 24 hours apart, reports CBS Los Angeles.
Carmen Edman said her family’s harrowing escape from Malibu on Nov. 8 as the Woolsey Fire fire raged around them came a day after her daughter, Deseriee, survived the mass shooting inside the Borderline Bar & Grill in Thousand Oaks.
“I was in panic mode since Wednesday night – since that phone call – and stress levels were off the charts,” Carmen Edman said.
The Edman family got to safety, but their Malibu home burned to the ground.
It was 48 hours of horror for the family, but all of them kept things in perspective: They all survived.
“Two-near death experiences that you just don’t expect,” Deseriee Edman said.
Deseriee, who spoke to CBS L.A. from out of state Thursday night, said she’s still processing what happened at the Borderline Bar and with the Woolsey Fire.
“I’m trying to stay strong as possible for my family and my friends. And I’m trying to look at everything as positive as I can in these types of situations,” she said.
Deseriee’s family knows their situation could be worse.
“Twelve people didn’t go home. Ron didn’t go home, neither did Justin, Christina all these people that were there. Good people,” Carmen Edman said.
Deseriee’s sister, Destiny Malibu, shared that sentiment.
“The fact is we made it out alive, and my sister survived and we’re here,” she said.
The Edmans credit Ventura County Sheriff’s Sgt. Ron Helus with keeping their family whole. They attended his procession Thursday.
“It’s really tragic that this happened in our city. In Borderline, and that Ron had to pass. It’s just tragic,” Carmen Edman said.