Judge dismisses part of assault suit against U of Michigan

FAN Editor

LANSING, Mich. — A judge has dismissed part of a lawsuit filed by eight women alleging sexual harassment and assault by a former University of Michigan lecturer.

Judge Thomas Cameron of the Michigan Court of Claims ruled Friday that the plaintiffs failed to file timely notices of intent to sue the University of Michigan, its board of regents and Bruce Conforth as required by law, The Detroit News reported.

“This is a final order that resolves the last pending claim and closes the case,” Cameron wrote.

Attorney Daniel Barnett, whose firm represents the women, said the decision only dismisses the case against the university and its regents.

A portion of the lawsuit filed in Washtenaw County Circuit Court against Conforth remains, Barnett said, as does a state civil rights claim against the university and its board by the women.

Barnett said he plans to appeal the ruling.

The Associated Press left phone messages and sent emails Saturday requesting comment from a university spokeswoman and an attorney representing Conforth.

Conforth taught American culture at the university. He resigned in 2017, university officials said.

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