Give Her the Back of the Hand

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Between gendered M&Ms (plain or peanut now takes on a new dynamic) or the idiotic statement of Kamala Criminal Harris,”It’s time for us to do what we have been doing and that time is every day” it seems as though the crazy and stupid will continue until ultimately every Liberal has reared their oppressive heads.

Heads we will continue to mark.

Similar to the groundhog poking its noodle out of the ground Nick NitWit Saban and Jerry Woke West both signed a letter to West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin in an attempt to pressure him to support the Federal takeover of Elections.

Otherwise known as Communism.

I hope these two have been heavily jabbed and receive a new one every month.

Let’s meet stupidity with facts.

We have been told that Joe Biden received over eighty-million votes, historically more than any other candidate, in the last Presidential Election.

We have been told that the Democrats received more votes collectively and control both the House and the Senate.

Now the Liberals are telling us the voting system is under the control of White Supremacists, the same system that put the Dems in charge of two of the three Branches of government, and must be completely overhauled by any and all means necessary.

This is definitely George Floyd’s fault, as according to Brandon, the gun toting rapist has had more effect on the world than Martin Luther King, Jr.

I cannot wait to see the future Floyd statue or stamp with a needle in one arm and a gun in the other pointed at a pregnant woman’s stomach.

Of course Brandon also believes his crack addict sleeps with his dead brother’s wife baby daddy of a stripper son is the smartest person he knows.

If you don’t vote fo Joe you ain’t black.

If you vote for Joe you ain’t smart.

The Biden Administration took the time to tell us that the Russians will be invading Ukraine soon.

They already have.

It’s called Crimea Jen Psaki.

Thanks Obama!

Obama cabinet member and current “professor” Robert Third Reich told his followers that Kyrsten Sinema should be given the “back of the hand” by Liberals or as Smokepurpp so eloquently stated “Beat that B#tch” for not toeing the line and voting to support the wildly “successful” Biden Administration. . .according to Joe.

Brandon is again announcing the giveaways but in 2022 the gift cards (stimulus checks) have been replaced with N95 masks that will never block any viruses and RONA tests that continue to give false positives.

I love the idea of passing out one mask and one test to everyone as though the RONA will miraculously disappear as the tests and masks are used and worn.

Due to the fact that millions of used masks are now littering our streets, highways and land fills I suggest a “recycle” program for all Biden masks and tests.

When you are done with your mask make sure it gets onto a train heading for Los Angeles where “workers” are waiting to rip them from the cars and throw them everywhere giving the homeless an opportunity to “be safe” from the RONA.

The used tests are even better.

All negative tests can be sent to those who want to work and be used as the ultimate “vaccine card”.

The positives can be sent to those who do not want to work and can lean on “I have Covid” and am staying home to protect my co-workers, neighbors, support Sharia and prevent global warming.

Jason, that doesn’t make any sense.

Of course it doesn’t.

Communism never does.

Jason Kraus

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