Better Buy: FireEye vs. Symantec

FAN Editor

Cybersecurity specialists FireEye (NASDAQ: FEYE) and Symantec (NASDAQ: SYMC) have turned out to be good bets for investors this year, beating the NASDAQ CTA Cybersecurity Index thanks to a spate of cybersecurity attacks that have increased demand for their products. Continue Reading Below Symantec has seen a massive spike in […]

3 Embarrassingly Cheap Dividend Stocks

FAN Editor

Owning dividend stocks can be a great way to generate cash flow as well as beat the market long-term. And if you own the right dividend stocks you could generate a growing stream of cash flow year after year with no effort at all. Continue Reading Below Not all dividend […]

EPA chemical safety nominee drops out amid strong opposition

FAN Editor

WASHINGTON –  President Donald Trump’s pick to oversee chemical safety at the Environmental Protection Agency has withdrawn his nomination after bipartisan opposition made his Senate confirmation unlikely. Continue Reading Below A White House official told The Associated Press on Wednesday that Michael Dourson has removed his name from consideration to […]

Why Toyota Just Signed a Deal with Tesla’s Battery Maker

FAN Editor

Toyota Motor Corporation (NYSE: TM) and Japanese electronics giant Panasonic Corporation (NASDAQOTH: PCRFY) said that they are considering a joint effort to develop batteries for electric vehicles. Continue Reading Below The companies have signed an agreement to begin studying the feasibility of mass-producing “prismatic” lithium-ion batteries for automotive use. Panasonic […]