Weirdest news stories from Florida

FAN Editor

Florida authorities got an unusual call on New Year’s Eve from a man who said he wanted to report himself for drunk driving.  When he was asked by a dispatcher what he’d been doing all night, he said, “I don’t know, driving around, trying to get pulled over, actually.” Deputies […]

Interpol’s most wanted Americans

FAN Editor

Wright was convicted of murder in 1962 but escaped prison in 1970. In 1972, he and accomplices hijacked a plane using a handgun stashed in a hollowed-out Bible and demanded that FBI agents deliver $1 million. The hostages safely disembarked n Los Angeles, but the crew was forced to accompany […]

Signs a child is drowning can be easy to miss

FAN Editor

With summer recreation luring kids to the water, experts caution parents that one of the season’s favorite pastimes is also one of the most dangerous for children. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, drowning is the second-leading cause of accidental deaths in kids under the age of 15. […]

Air travel nightmares

FAN Editor

Micaela Bensko, who uses a wheelchair after a spinal injury, paid for access to a Virgin Atlantic lounge to lie down before her flight. But an airline employee denied her access to the lounge, saying Bensko couldn’t come in with her service dog. Bensko was forced to lie down on […]