Suspect arrested for alleged murder of college student

FAN Editor

A suspect was named in the alleged murder of 19-year-old University of Pennsylvania student Blaze Bernstein — initially missing before he was found dead in a shallow grave on the fringe of a Southern California park this week, the police and prosecutors in Orange County said. Samuel Woodward, 20, a […]

Evangelical rift intensifies over Trump immigration remarks

FAN Editor

Donald Trump’s vulgar remarks about why the U.S. should admit immigrants from Haiti and Africa have spotlighted the bitter divide among American evangelicals about his presidency. While some of his evangelical backers expressed support for his leadership, other conservative Christians are calling the president racist and say church leaders had […]

Islamic State group offshoot claims 2017 Niger attack on US

FAN Editor

An Islamic State group Sahara offshoot is claiming it carried out the October attack in Niger that killed four U.S. soldiers and four Nigerien troops. The Mauritanian Nouakchott News Agency reported Friday that the self-professed IS affiliate Abu al-Walid al-Sahrawi claimed responsibility for the Oct. 4 attack about 120 miles […]

Doctor declares Trump is in ‘excellent health’ after physical

FAN Editor

President Donald Trump was declared to be in “excellent health” after undergoing a physical Friday. The president’s physician issued a brief statement Friday evening, adding that more details about the results would be released Tuesday. “The president’s physical exam today at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center went exceptionally well. […]

5 times Trump was accused of making racially tinged comments

FAN Editor

The current controversy over President Donald Trump’s racially tinged comments in a discussion about immigration from Haiti and African nations marks the latest in a series of comments made by the president that critics have charged are racist and inflammatory. Since launching his bid for the presidency in 2015, Trump […]