Here’s a look at the week ahead on our “Sunday Morning” Calendar:
Monday is the 79th birthday of “Jeopardy!” host Alex Trebek, who recently cheered his fans by saying his stage four pancreatic cancer is in near remission.
Tuesday brings the opening of the 8th annual Dominican Film Festival in New York.
To watch a trailer for the festival’s Opening Night presentation, “Lo Que Siento Por Ti (What I Feel For You),” click on the video player below:
[embedded content]
On Wednesday, former Special Counsel Robert Mueller will testify before the House Intelligence and Judiciary Committees.
Thursday is National Intern Day, a salute to all the hard-working interns across the land, not least our own here at “Sunday Morning”!
Friday kicks off the three-day Gilroy Garlic Festival in Gilroy, California.
And Saturday’s the day for the 5th annual Long Island Run and Dog Walk in Seaford, New York, benefiting the organization America’s VetDogs, which provides service dogs to the disabled.
Story produced by Charis Satchell.
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