Human Trafficking, Selfie Sticks, a Coke and a Smile

FAN Moderator

I refer to it as the 80 -20 rule.  Eighty percent of you agree with what I am saying on a regular basis.  You are strong, fearless, and knowledgeable of what is happening in today’s society and around the world. You offer support, respectful insight, and information while spreading our message all over America.

You read the entire column.

Even our responsible first time readers, which we have every day, don’t finish the current column and then opine, “well you seem to understand the problems (thanks Sheldon Cooper) but how would you fix it?”

Our first time readers already know we have problems, recognize their own voice, words, and frustration, and exercise their energy and belief in personal responsibility and take THIRTY SECONDS to surf down the page or go to our website to find lo and behold the answers to all of their questions have been covered in column after column or video for the last SIX MONTHS.

This is you.  This is the 80 percent.  American men and women who get up at the crack of dawn every day and return home after sunset from a long day of work.  A hard but meaningful eight to ten to twelve to sometimes fourteen hour day of American sweat and equity without complaint.

You live in the real world and do what needs to be done because it needs to be done!

You don’t need me to explain things.  You don’t need to be led to water.

You are carrying the water for millions of others and only drink when absolutely necessary because that’s what Americans do!

Our predicament is understood by you on a visceral and financial level.  You know these things aren’t “complicated” or impossible to fix.

It takes ethics and perseverance.

Two things all of you have.

That’s why we refer to it as Shoulder to Shoulder.  We are in this together gathering one voice at a time.  No responsible voice is more or less important than the next.  We need them all and lovers of America are gathering, hungry to replace oppression with freedom.

Then we have the twenty percent.

Fifteen percent still support Obama.  This is an egregious error because it hardens the rest of us in our belief that they simply will not learn.  They have the capacity but choose to not deal in facts and reality.

We are a forgiving people but when we as a society understand their behavior is due to ignorance rather than intellect our compassion disappears.  I have warned about the pendulum swinging back for quite a while.

Energy of any kind doesn’t build momentum and then stop where you think it should.  When the box has been wound and wound no one of the “progressive” mind set should be surprised when Jack is in their face.

Every action has a reaction and the abuse laid upon the American people by Republican and Democratic politicians and those who continue to support these overt liars is now searching for an outlet.

The anger coming with this momentum is going to be tremendous.

The collapsing systems all around us will only increase America’s frustration.

Let me give you an example of ignorance rather than intellect.  I just finished reading a column in the Huffington Post.  Yes I know.  But I make it point to read “HuffPo”, Salon, and listen to as much of MSNBC as I can stomach.

Although I appreciate different opinions…propaganda and out right lies are a threat to freedom.

I watch, read, and listen to ascertain whether or not the progressive/oppressive mind set is barreling further off the rails.  Friends close enemies closer and although I hate to say it some of these people are enemies of freedom.

Nothing wrong with America.  Definitely something wrong with some Americans.

The column in HuffPo started out with a complete rewrite of American history followed by a layering of racism or as it is called these days, “white guilt”, “white privilege”, or white man bad”.  The writer then moved on to explain how America is living on borrowed time because of the Bible thumpers, climate deniers, and slavery.

Yes slavery.

Apparently no one has gotten over it, never mind the fact, that most people under the age of 35 couldn’t tell you anything about the Emancipation Proclamation, by whom this was proclaimed, or in what CENTURY this took place.

Nope…slavery alive and well.

Well…part of that is correct.

Slavery is alive and well and happening right now through our border.  It’s called Human Trafficking and some young girl or woman was just sold to the highest bidder.

So yes slavery does exist.

Maybe the writer should be focusing on what’s happening TODAY rather than centuries ago.  But then again that wouldn’t fit the agenda of self-loathing and the propping up of the current failure in the White House who is probably golfing somewhere.

Selfie Stick Slick who meets with Fruit Loop bathers and Pimps with Limps is ready to approve a Nuclear Arms deal with Iran.

Sounds about right.

Finally we have the 5 percent.  These are the people who abhor Obama, complain nonstop about all politicians and rant over and over that we need “regular” Americans in politics.

When one is found, willing to put themselves on the line in service to America…the 5 percent attack.

They won’t do any research.  They won’t listen to their friends.  They won’t bother getting involved because “it will never happen” or what does this “regular” person know about politics.  They moan about the problem but are unwilling to help when a new way arrives.  They’d rather gripe than take the time to really do something and we certainly won’t see them putting their NAME on the line.

I call this the “Eeyore Effect”.

We all know some of these people.  What’s amazing to me is how impressed they are with their own intelligence and life experience. They have all the answers never mind the fact that it’s America who carries them to water and holds them as they drink so they don’t drown in their own self-righteous indignation.

I actually prefer the Obama supporters to the Eeyores.  At least we know where the Selfie Stick supporters stand.

The Eeyores cause much more damage due to their Trojan Horse belief system.

As I’ve said plenty of times.  I am not here to convince.  I am here to inspire.

If you need convincing of our issues or think things are just fine…well…Hillary, Elizabeth, Jeb, or Marco would all appreciate you sending them a check.

They all take money, are career politicians, get paid by our tax dollars, and love the border just the way it is.

But if you are tired of the lies, the debt, slavery, and the overt disrespect to our military and tax paying citizens…then join us.

Someone who knows me very well was asked a question recently.

“Did you think Jason would try something like this?”

With a small nod, “if you really know Jason you know this isn’t about him.  He’s a very private person and I am a bit surprised he is willing to share so much about his life.”

They continued with a wry smile, “but once Jason says he is going to do something either get on board or get out of the way.  He’ll run you over.”

As I’ve told people many times I will not stop.  But the statement above is true.  This isn’t about me.  It never was, is, or will be.  It’s about America.  It’s about you.  It’s about us.

It’s about the 80 percent who show up every day proclaiming for the world to hear,

“We Are Americans and we love OUR country!”

So to all you Obama acolytes and Eeyore ingenues…

Have a Coke and a smile.

The Freedom Train is coming through.

Jason Kraus


“Late Bird” by Jason Kraus

Restoring a nation one voice at a time.

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