With the President’s State of the Union scheduled for Tuesday now seems like a good time to discuss the State of the Market. January was certainly a great way to kick off the year especially on the heels of December, a month most of us would like to forget.

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Investors will have plenty to focus on when the President delivers his delayed State of the Union. China, Trade and NAFTA top the list with direct implications for autos, manufacturing and the farm belt. The media will spend most of their time on the hot political topics including the wall, abortion and the Mueller investigation but I will be focused on what matters for your money.

China Trade – Investors want a deal 

Given the rhetoric, it looks like both sides want to get a deal done. The President needs a win politically and given recent data, China’s economy is clearly struggling. Their last PMI report shows manufacturing in continued contraction.  Trump and the negotiating team need to be careful here. I suspect President Xi is willing to buy a trillion in U.S. goods to help close the deficit but the one thing they’ll try to avoid is discussion that centers on forced technology transfer or protection for intellectual property. While the math doesn’t work for China given their huge surplus, the one advantage they have is time. We think in terms of an election cycle and they think in decades.  It’s important to remember that we aren’t dealing with a partner or even a competitor. This is an adversary in every sense of the word. Trade, the economy, foreign policy and yes even militarily.

Even after a deal is done they will likely cheat and we’ll be forced to do this all over again.

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