Walmart (NYSE: WMT) recently agreed to buy online art and wall decor retailer for an undisclosed sum. The all-cash deal, which is expected to close in early 2019, could add more than $300 million to Walmart’s annual revenue, according to CNBC.
Walmart calls, which was founded in 1998, the “world’s largest online retailer” of art and wall decor. Its portfolio will add 2 million curated images — in posters, prints, and other art pieces — to Walmart’s home goods business.
Continue Reading Below allows customers to customize its products online, most of which are printed on-demand after an order is placed — so it doesn’t house large inventories of posters and prints. It also provides custom mounting and framing services with each order. will continue operating as a stand-alone site, but its products will also be offered on,, and
Another brick in its e-commerce wall
Over the past two years, Walmart acquired,, Moosejaw, Modcloth, Bonobos, Parcel, Flipkart, Cornershop, Eloquii, and Bare Necessities to strengthen its e-commerce ecosystem and widen its moat against (NASDAQ: AMZN).
Its $3 billion takeover of U.S. e-commerce site and $16 billion buyout of Indian e-commerce site Flipkart were the two largest acquisitions. The other purchases — which reportedly cost between $50 million to $300 million — expanded its portfolio into specialty markets like shoes, menswear, lingerie, and outdoor products.
Those moves could all help Walmart counter Amazon’s expansion into private-label products — which now include apparel, shoes, toys, baby products, food, and even mattresses. The retailer could also counter Amazon’s expansion into brick-and-mortar stores with its acquisition of Whole Foods, its introduction of Amazon Go stores, and a new 4-star store in New York that features home goods, toys, and other products.
Advertisement targets consumers who purchase art and wall decor on Amazon — which currently offers mainly products in specific sizes (mostly from third-party sellers) instead of fully customizable products. Walmart believes that the U.S. art and wall decor market could be worth $10 billion in annual sales, so bundling’s products with other home goods across its other e-commerce sites could shore up its defenses against Amazon. Walmart can also leverage its massive network of over 3,500 Supercenters across the U.S. to quickly expand’s reach.
$300 million is still a drop in the pond
Annual revenue of $300 million may sound like a big figure, but it would represent only about 0.06% of Walmart’s estimated revenue for fiscal 2020, which starts on Feb. 1, 2019. However, $300 million is still higher than the revenue generated by many of Walmart’s past purchases. Modcloth, Bonobos, and Moosejaw all generated about $100 million in revenue before being acquired.
However, all those acquisitions form part of Walmart’s larger defense against Amazon, and the retailer’s latest earnings report — which revealed a 43% year-over-year jump in U.S. e-commerce revenue — indicates that those efforts are paying off. Walmart’s e-commerce revenue accounts for a single-digit percentage of its top line, but it indicates that it won’t be rendered obsolete by Amazon anytime soon.
However, investors should note that these acquisitions (particularly and Flipkart) — along with rising wages, integration costs, price competition, and tariffs — could all throttle Walmart’s near-term earnings growth. The company hasn’t revealed much information about the profitability of newer e-commerce assets like That’s why analysts expect Walmart’s earnings to slip 3% next year, even as its revenue rises 3%.
The bottom line
Walmart’s takeover of isn’t surprising, since it expands its e-commerce ecosystem and complements the recent redesign of — which highlights the expansion of its home goods category. The purchase probably won’t move the needle for Walmart on its own, but it’s definitely another step in the right direction.
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John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods Market, an Amazon subsidiary, is a member of The Motley Fool’s board of directors. Leo Sun owns shares of Amazon. The Motley Fool owns shares of and recommends Amazon. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.