Shakespeare, America, and the Human being

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Many people around the world are calling this the “end times”.  Others see the unchecked behavior of the human animal as our downfall.  I see it a little bit differently.  Am I concerned with the increased speed of debt and violence happening here in America and around the world?


That’s why I am here.

But to me there is an opportunity if humans will evolve into humans being.

A little more explanation is probably due.

Human(s) fall under the category of noun.  Person, place, or thing.  (Definitely didn’t learn that from Common Core.  Too easy to follow)

Human(s) Being is often times misunderstood.  Many times we say Human Beings attempting to pluralize.  This is misinterpretation.

It should be Human(s) being.  Being is a verb.  An action word.

I did a little research years ago looking into the phrase, Human being.  I was curious.  Where did such a profound stunning change in idea and structure take place? And why?  Humans being what?

I am sure some will attach being to God but I have not found this in anything I can objectively study.  Through some research it appears the phrase appeared in the 18th century via a poem or poetic type of writing.  I will not spend anymore time on the explanation as it isn’t pertinent.  The point is the phrase Human being.

Shakespeare explains this well in the line “to be or not to be…that is the question”.

And what a question it is.

The simplicity of Shakespeare’s line is what makes it structurally profound. It’s why the simpler things are to comprehend, the more meaning they have.

It’s why Freedom needs no explanation and is only lessened when things are added to it.  Very similar to American.

The term American stands on its own.  We only weaken it with unneeded verbiage like Irish, African, Asian, or Hispanic.

I digress.

Initially I questioned the phrase Human being.  As I stated prior…Human being what? As my mind worked on this the phrase, to be or not be, kept rolling around.  Finally when all the pins fell into place the lock popped and a door opened.

Of course…To be…is the answer.  At least for me.

I can hear some of you right now…What the $%&^ is this guy talking about? Normally he is clear as a bell.  Clear as a bell?  More research:) It’s a joke. Please no links to bells or clarity.

Our answer lies in our ability to evolve into freer humans.  Humans that don’t worry, fight, kill, lie, cheat, steal, etc. (I do not equate self-defense in this)

We discard these things…in order to be.  Rather than living for the moment we ARE the moment.  We are present in all things.  We BE.

Through this “being” we become better humans.  Our minds are clearer for the tasks ahead.  We rid ourselves of the perpetual “loop” going off in our brains about things that will probably never take place and we spend ALL our energy laser focused on being.  On freedom.  On America.  We clear our minds to serve America because trust me brothers and sisters it is going to require clear minds, sound hearts, and ethics to dig us out of:

18 trillion in debt

47 million on food stamps/welfare

To be is to actively engage in the outcome of your own life.  As stated so poetically:

To pursue happiness.

Shakespeare understood freedom centuries ago.

To be or not to be, America…that is our question.

And there’s only one answer.


Jason Kraus


“Late Bird” by Jason Kraus

Restoring a nation one voice at a time.


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