These days, a growing number of workers are rebelling against the traditional “come into the office” arrangement and taking their jobs remote instead. And there are a number of benefits to doing so. First, working remotely might save you time, money, and aggravation by not having to commute. It might also, in some cases, help improve your productivity, especially if you find that your remote setup is far less distracting than the office environment you once struggled in.
But working remotely definitely isn’t for everyone. If any of the following scenarios apply to you, you might consider sticking with the “come into the office” setup after all.
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1. You manage a lot of on-site employees
It’s one thing to work remotely as an individual contributor on your team. But if you’re a manager and have a number of direct reports who come into the office, then it might help you to do the same. This way, you’ll have more consistent interaction with your team and have an easier time observing which dynamics are working and which aren’t.
There’s also the notion of setting a good example. If you want your team members collaborating in person, you should be prepared to show up with them.
2. You’re not the best communicator
Some people are better communicators than others. If you’ve struggled in this regard, then putting more physical space between you and your colleagues or manager might lead to a serious gap in communication that hurts not only you, but your entire team. On the other hand, you might find it easier to loop others in as needed when they’re sitting next to you.
3. You’re not great at delegating
If you’re in a position where you’re able to delegate tasks to other people, it pays to take advantage of it to avoid getting overworked yourself. But if you have a hard time delegating, you might be even more hesitant to do so if you’re not physically in the presence of the people with whom you’re sharing that load. As such, working remotely might lead to — you guessed it — more work for you.
4. You’re a workaholic by nature
Some workers have a hard time tearing themselves away from their desks. If you’re one of them, then a remote arrangement might actually hurt your work-life balance, since you’ll adopt the mentality that your job can be done whenever and wherever you are. And while working harder might help advance your career to a certain degree, it won’t necessarily be good for you from a mental or even physical standpoint.
Working remotely can open the door to more flexibility and job satisfaction. But before you ask to work remotely, think about whether it’s really the best arrangement for you. If you aren’t sure, start by doing it on a part-time basis and work your way up from there if things go well initially. You might end up finding that a partial remote work arrangement actually gives you the best of both worlds.
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