Transcript for Top US Navy admiral found dead in home
We want to turn to the tragic death of the top U.S. Navy admiral in the Middle East. Scott stearney was found shot in his home in Bahrain. Martha Raddatz has more from Washington. You spoke to people who knew him. This is coming as a complete shock. Reporter: Really shocking, Cecilia. He had command of some 20,000 forces in one of the most important and potentially volatile regions in the world. This is where our American Navy has confronted the revolutionary guard vessels. Admiral stearney was a decorated pilot, a top gun instructor with more than 1,000 carrier landings. He had served in Afghanistan, and sources who know stearney tell ABC his death is a suspected suicide which is why this came as such a shock to all who knew him and those men and women he commanded, a real tragedy. Robin? So tragic. Martha, thank you.
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