Transcript for Passengers injured as flight forced to make emergency landing
As the police say, classic case sng, say someg. We want to moveto thnely three dozen airline passengers sent to the hospital R a terrifng flight. As you can see, oxygen masks were deployed when the plane to sge. Somethose passengers now descri the harrong expece, and ABC’s janai an has mor Reporter: Panic in the air as this flight bound for Croatia quickly turned into a nightmare for th9 on board. Not fun. Reporter: The chaos unfolding nearly two hours after takeoff from Ireland. The plausto go downwards. Reporter: Flightradar24.com showing ryanair flight fr7312 apparently losing cabin pressure rapidly ending 28,000 feetless than 10 minutes. Video from inside the cabin showing passengers wearing oxasks unsure of WHA could happen next. Xanne Brownlee and sar K describe what it wa ke. Children cryind ki suting, mom, am I goi to die? We’re fitting the oxygen masks on ahe plane iju plummeting and we’re going, yeah, we’re going doery ickly. Reporter: The flight making an emergency landing in frank further, Germany. 33 passengd to be hospitalized. The loss of pressure in the cabin ino suffer from headaches, earaches, nausea even bleeding from E ears but many of them just glad to be alive. We’re genuinelyprised to be alive. I think I can safely say I the sting thing ev experienced. Reporter: And ryanair is blaming an in-flight deprrization. The airline has apologized saying it provided customers with vouchers for food and hotels and admi there weren’t enough accommodations for everyone. Dan and Paula. Harrowi experience for all of those passengers. Janai, thank you very much.
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