Transcript for Man caught impersonating police officer in Arizona
We turn now to a suspect arrested andcc I Arizona of impersonating a police officer. He’s underrrest tonight. They say he trie P a mustang and there were two real Arizona troopers inside car.here’s ABC cyton Sande. Reporter: With all thos flashi lights and , it sure looks real. But investigators say this car, and the codriving it, were fake.hiplate is not registered to an agency, correct? Repr: Exposedhen 44-year-old Matthew Disbro allegedly tried pulling over two Al arizonaroopers in T ma yellow mustang. He had a full gun belt simito mine wi a Glock handgun. Reporter: Disbro, wearing a security guard uniform, was arrestorting a police officer. It’s frtrating for because we don’t know who he’s preyin. Eporter: And in California, 14-year-olboy was Ju arrested a second time after officers say they found uniforms D badges in his ho he was once busted driving this SUV, allegedly dressed as a deputy sheriff. Both cases, police say they nt anyone who may come into contaith these leged imposters to come forward, Tom. Clayton, thank you. We do move no new
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