WATCH: Alleged YouTube shooter stands out as female

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Transcript for Alleged YouTube shooter stands out as female

We begin with the latest on that attack at YouTube headters. New details about the shooter’s past and back to Matt Gutman who is on the scene in San Bruno, California. Matt, good morning. Reporter: Hey, good morning, Paula. We just interviewed the police chief here and he says they are trying to do everything they can to learn as much as they can about that 39-year-old nasim aghdam who drove up her from southern California, eight or nine hours away bearing a Ven delta and millimeter gun. We know she was a prolific user of YouTube and at some point online she began ranting against the company complaining it had censored her, limited the number of views that she got on her youte channel and apparently gotvery, very angry at the company. She came here firing at least ten rounds into that patio and these images that you’re seeing have become all too familiar. Those upturned chair, yellow cones covering bullet casings and hundreds of employees coming out of a peaceful complex with their hands raised in the air and being searched by police. All of that has become tragically too common, Paula. One more thing. Her victims remain hospitalized right now. Three of them, two of them in serious to critical condition. We’re sending our best to the victims. When looking at active shooter incidents like this one, how rare is it to see a female? Reporter: It’s incredibly rare. The FBI just completed a study of 160 mass shootings over recent years and found that just 6 of those shootings were perpetrated by women. That’s just 4%. So it is incredibly unusual, but it has happened a number of times over recent years, Paula. Just 4%. All right, Matt Gutman from the scene this morning. We want to bring in ABC news contributor and former FBI agent Brad Garrett. Brad, good morning to you. We heard how rare it is to see a female shooter. Just 4%. Why is it so uncommon? Because historically, Paula, females have been in the passive role in crime. In other words, they might drive the vehicle. They might move things around. They may hold the money. But now they’ve become more mainstream and actually participating in violent crime. And women actually commit far fewer violent crimes than men but you say there has been an increase recently. How so? Substantially. I thin it’s because women now are accepted more in the mainstream. They’re obviously in more important jobs. You see it in the juvenile world where there are more females arrested. I think because of gang activity, drugs and sort of a competition I guess with males to participate in a gang or another organization, so they’re out there and also a big increase in domestic violence involving women where they are the person attacking. Interesting. The fact that the suspect did a female. Do you expect that to factor into the investigation and what do you think investigators are focusing on right now? Well, it will not change a thing. What is her show tiff? Where did she get the weapon? Is she alone and what are the links betweenher, YouTube and maybe anybody else attached to this crime? It appears it’s only her but that’s what law enforcement will focus on, just like they would if she were male. All right, Brad Garrett. Thanks so much for your insight.

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