Transcript for Alleged chemical attack in Syria may have killed up to 40 people
I’m Tom llamas. In with the horrific attack os. And the forceful threat here home. The ures coming in. A warning, thee difficult to look at. Children being treateder an alleged chemical attack. That reportedly killed at least 40. Esident trump vowing on twit big price will be paid slamming syrpresident bashar Al Assad, calling him an animal. D calling out Vladimir Putin by name. Just lweek, the president suggested thibility of pulltroops out of Syria. We’ll have mor on the white use reaction in a moment. But we beginit with Ian pannelllondon. Reporter: Tonight, serious questions about whetr these images prove the Syrian regime just attacked its own people with chel weapons ag a war crime. The strikes came after dusk Saturday, foing a monthslong age of attacks in the district of do near the Cal, Damascus. Happened next is difficult to watch. Patients pourinto makeshift clinics with burning eyes, struggling to brthe. At least 40 choking on an unknown subsnce. Oncein, the regime of Syrian president bashar Al Assad, ba by the Russians, has denising chemical weapons, claiming these vs E fabricated they’ve said the same thin reply in the past. It’s been just over a year since a similar strike in khan shaykhoun. T, I ordered a targeted military strike on tirfield in Syria from where the chemic attaas launched. Reporter: There have been at least a half dozen suspect chemical attacks in Syria sinc the present launched those air strikes, which meant to deter. Tonight, the Russian forei nistry warng against any new military intervention claiming that the fig in the that has left men women and children buried in their collapsemes has now stopped. It M be impossible to verify O carried T this latest attack or what it was. The agony, suffering and death of Syria’s children is nd doubt. The question tonight, what does amica and the world do about it? Thoseges so touo see. And Ian Pannell jous live. We’ve seen the horrific images befo what do you expect from the international coy and the United States to stop th attack Reporter: It’s a really G questi the U.N. Security council is holding an emergency meeting tomorr. Washington has madit clear, all options are on the table. Unless there’s iiate and concrete action, it’s hard T see this bothering or stopping presid Assad and his allies. Hank you.
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