Useless Eaters

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For many years I’ve taken “pen to paper” to provide rational thought that always requires facts in service to Freedom.

I’ve shared many times about the idea of Conspiracy Theories in that there is actually no such thing.

Humans indeed do conspire, it is literally happening in front of us everyday, and theories do exist in that they are not fact.

Some, such as String, are incredibly interesting, at least to me, and provide a window into the vast untapped potential of the human mind while others such as Critical Race begin to validate last year’s run on toilet paper.

Due to my consistent statement of facts many in America and around the world, especially before censorship, shadow banning, etc., shared my thoughts weekly with those they care about and in some cases those they wanted to slap around a bit.

The reason for this pretext is simple.

Today I will “theorize” on what is happening and incorporate quite a bit of “information” that has crossed my path in the course of human events.

My only goal in my writings is to push Freedom forward and as such I felt it necessary to tackle multiple subjects, that have most, so thoroughly confused they are no longer focusing on the reality of ever creeping tyranny.

As I’ve stated many times there are only two forms of Culture in human behavior.

Freedom and Oppression.

The further from one requires you be closer to the other.

Today’s human condition is rollercoastering itself off the tracks and into the patiently waiting arms of oppressive forces.

This isn’t a satanic, socialist, globalist, fill in the blanks with whatever word floats your boat statement.

It is a fact, easy to see, if one is willing to open their eyes, and happening, eyes open or not.

As stated many times in the past, most humans have now abdicated their freedom for perceived security and as Benjamin Franklin stated, will soon lose both.

This is again easy to see as for example most of America is calorically unhealthy, morally lost with no hope in sight as they continue to look to other humans for temporary solutions to their very fixable problems.

A poor diet can be addressed for most in less than sixty days with incredible results.

The removal of “medications” also known as drugs, alcohol, prescriptions, can quickly be stopped IF the person is willing to heal and deal with their underlying issues.

Sadly this isn’t happening and the Great Experiment has now been whittled to “I have a right to eat, drink, and sit on my couch if I want to” while the Hippocratic Oath has switched from First Do No Harm to Take This Pill and I’ll See You Next Month.

These people aren’t dying.

They’re dead and are taking the greatest country in the history of Man with them.

As stated earlier I am going to “theorize” today.

So far nothing I’ve stated is theory.

It is all pathetically true.

The reason I’ve primed the pump this way is to explain that the above behavior has now allowed for seriously bad actors to grasp immense control.


Decades ago I read a book titled the Celestine Prophecy.

Although a bit science fictiony when finished my thought was the author combined quite a few concepts that could be construed in many ways, however the tone, at least to me then, was a positive one in service to humanity.

The idea was that eventually humans would realize that procreating like rabbits was a waste of the planet’s resources and a detriment to their own lives and would willingly stop having so many offspring.

Of course religions, governments, Bernie Sanders acolytes and Jim Jones wannabes all hate this idea, as for their greed to succeed, subjects are required.

A surrogate word for subjects is servants.

Another is slaves.

Today’s world doesn’t need to search for its slaves.

They line up daily to be watered, fed and “protected” otherwise known as vaccinated.

Now the concept of vaccination is tricky for the commoner to understand and although information is available at our fingertips most would rather watch porn or porn lite labeled as tik tok.

Scantily clothed women who gyrate and twerk while men flex and gesticulate wildly doing their best Chippendale’s performance in search of validation are both much more of “interest” than understanding the difference between a vaccination and what is now being injected into our bodies.

There’s quite a bit of actual science behind this but very few will hang with me long enough to really grasp the concept so I will condense.

The vaccines received in our childhood have all had a bit of the “virus” in the injection.

Our bodies take the foreign substance and then render it inoperable in its danger to you.

The new vaccines also known as an mRNA do not do this.

They are man made creations that humans are willingly taking for a “virus” that most will never get and if do very few will die.

No one is guaranteed protection by it, and as has been reported, many who have received their vaccine now have the RONA not to mention the thousands who have died from the injection.

So, if it isn’t stopping something that most will never contract, and again if do, only those with multiple “co-morbidities” might have complications, what exactly is in this concoction?

Finally we have arrived at the “theory” part of this week’s column and this entire diatribe that has been building was piqued by a message sent from a friend.

The message was short and stated “Please forgive me for sharing this, BUT I had to.”

Now, I receive a LOT of mail from a LOT of people and I unfortunately don’t have the time to read it all BUT I considered the source and then the statement of an apology out of the gate and scrolled down.

I will leave a link at the bottom from the article that was sent for all to peruse at your own convenience but the premise was one of world depopulation.

Something I’ve read about, discussed, pontificated and have given significant thought to as I have no doubt the greater the growth of the masses the closer wars are to happening.

It is consistent and historic.

This theory is a little bit different and many will have to remove their own biases, fears, and in some cases desires to focus on the one thing I am trying to point out.

I cannot validate this anywhere but the theory is that this particular mRNA is carrying in some way Graphene Oxide and that this substance, by design, will eventually kill all who have it their bodies.

Now I didn’t need anything to tell me I was never getting this “vaccine” as the government in general is corrupt and frankly stupid but to read something of this nature with all the other information floating around seemed to be a good topic for me to share and “theorize”.

The quotes from the “Dr.” in the article are stunning and my first thought was this has to be satire.

I did my best to vet this article and could not find anything that would argue against his statements but I also couldn’t verify the quoted “Dr.” as real either.

This is why I refer to this as a theory.

With that said those of you who’ve been with me for a while know I don’t discuss things I cannot prove but as each day goes by the behavior of those at the top and the willingness to conform from those at the bottom has lead to me this topic and this position.

All things are now possible and in many cases probable.

There can be no doubt SOMETHING is taking place as this supposedly deadly “virus” doesn’t kill the homeless, or stop the United States from being overrun at the border while our military is this close to being given an “order” that they must be sparked.

The population is growing, politicians are on airplanes mask less and the only thing increasing is murder in Liberal run cities.

The aforementioned “Doctor” has been attributed with the statement, “95% of the world’s population are “Useless Eaters” who need to be euthanized as quickly as possible. “Look at downtown Chicago, Baltimore, or Los Angeles,” he has stated, “and you will clearly see why the Useless Eaters must be put down like rabid dogs.”

Now, as stated earlier I cannot verify that this Dr. is actually a Doctor or even exists BUT this is the quandary of our world today.

All things, crazy as they seem, are now possible because the humans in charge continue to lie on a minute to minute basis.

America is now feeling the pressure to put the “mask” back on while threatening those who will not take the jab.

At the same time Joe Biden is babbling about a “shooting war” breaking out.

Be very careful Joe.

It’s closer than you think.

Jason Kraus

How Long Do the Vaccinated Have to Live?

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