It’s the third day of 2019. If your well-intentioned resolution to get organized is already buckling under the weight of your work inbox or your promise to hit the gym has turned into hitting the snooze button, life coach Tony Robbins has a simple technique to help get or keep you on track.
“How will you make 2019 your best year yet? The answer lies in goal-setting and action plans,” Robbins tweeted Thursday.
And Robbins has a specific goal-mapping technique in mind. To map out your goals, Robbins says write them down. Then Robbins advises also writing down why that goal is important to you (for extra motivation). Finally, write down three action steps you can commit to taking to achieve that goal.
“If you talk about it, it’s a dream, if you envision it, it’s possible, but if you schedule it, it’s real,” Robbins says, according to his downloadable 2019 Goal Mapping Worksheet, which provides a template for his technique.
“Everything around you in your life right now once started out as just a thought, a desire, an inspired moment. You now have the power to take your current thoughts and turn them into a tangible, promising future,” the worksheet says. “After all, goals are just dreams with deadlines.”
Billionaire serial entrepreneur Richard Branson also touts the importance of writing down your goals.
“It’s time to get your New Year’s resolutions down on paper. The simple act of writing it down will help you stick to it,” Branson said in a blog post Tuesday.
The serial entrepreneur recommends writing goals down at all times of the year, not just in January.
“Some of Virgin’s most successful companies have been born from random moments. … No matter how big, small, simple or complex your idea is, get it in writing. It doesn’t matter if you use a pen and notebook or your iPhone – if you have a record of it, you’re more likely to make it happen,” Branson says.
See also:
Tony Robbins: How to have the best year of your life
Tony Robbins: This is the secret to happiness in one word
Tony Robbins: To have an ‘extraordinary quality of life,’ you need more than money—you need this
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