Three Things Liberals Will Never Do

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After speaking in depth with a wonderful American I thought I would address this issue again.

Our discussion was based on “had I seen what the Liberals had done” you fill in the blanks.

Yes, as someone who does pay attention, I see, read, hear all the insanity that occurs.

My response has simply changed to prepare for the worst, train your body, and enjoy your life to the best of your ability.

For many the last one seems to be the hardest.

Jason, how are we supposed to enjoy our lives when it appears everything around us is collapsing?

To the best of your ability, and if you cannot do that then improve upon your ability, because I can guarantee one of two outcomes.

Either a slow fade over the next decade or two will take place while the younger generations continue to embrace life “online” and move further and further away from in person social activities.

Businesses will change with this behavior and ultimately new technology or technologies will present themselves changing the outcome of human existence as hormones decline due to lack of sun exposure, needed nutrients, and exercise.

What will this world look like?

To those of us born before the net and cell phones it will appear quite bizarre but ultimately will not matter as the older groups expire and replaced by the youth who have no memory of parades, school dances, or gym class.

The “collective” will arrive and the world will teeter closer to China (Oppression) than America (Freedom. . .fading fast) living on ultra processed foods, supplements for those who can afford them and eventually pills will replace amino acids, vitamins and minerals.

For those paying attention you can get all of those things in pill form right now.

Jason, you mentioned a second option.

I did.

This scenario will probably have to take place in the next five years and be so spectacularly disastrous that everything will change, generations for years to come will inherently feel this disaster, and hundreds of millions if not billions will perish from the Earth.

The complete and utter lies known as human made Climate Change and Social Justice, the worldwide ignorance/compliance with sexual depravity and slavery, and the reality of Covid induced “gene therapy” will be crushed and thrown on the pile of history as future boys and girls watch movies that explain the debacle, look to their parents and ask, “How did this happen?” and “Were you vaxxed?”

Some may be wondering what number two will look like if/when it begins.

Sadly imagine, Pearl Harbor, 9/11, the Black Plague, World War I and II, Genghis Khan, Korea, Vietnam, Chernobyl, and hundreds of other human created disasters all at the same time. . .and then multiple that by one hundred, or the electricity goes out for a very long time all over the world.

In biblical terms think Noah.

Sounds grim?

It does.

Is there a way out of this?

Well, there’s always option number one.

Many are reading this now and thinking we as humans HAVE to be better than this.

We have to be smarter than this.

There is no way we will let this happen, allow me to share a story, that I have heard too many times.

A proclaimed and proud Liberal who was vaxxed twice and then boosted three more times (also awaiting the next round) lived in fear for almost two years, barely leaving her house, and when she did ALWAYS had on a mask, presumably at times two or three.

This Democratic voter still wears a face diaper everywhere but decided the coast must be clear and flew to Britain to visit relatives.

Upon arrival this lovely person “contracted Covid”.

Did she quarantine in jolly old England?


Did she wait until she was clear of the RONA to fly home?


This “Progressive” booked a flight back to the States while still testing positive and rationalized her behavior by “upgrading her ticket to 1st Class” to not sit with the masses.

Well done Karen. Well done but wait it gets better, or worse.

Karen, who believes Covid is so deadly she barely left her house for years, allowed injections of poison into her body, and wore masks, also hates every single “Trumplican” because they put everyone’s life on the line by not vaxxing.

A woman who knew she was infected with a “deadly virus” rode in a taxi, went through an entire airport, and sat on a plane with others, putting their lives in danger.

Just when you thought the depths of this human could go no lower let me add that when she finally arrived home she “quarantined” herself from her husband to protect him.

This story is for everyone out there who continues to say, “we all have to get along” or “reach across the aisle”.

These Liberals will march you to the trains, burn the tattoo into your body themselves, and have a glass of wine with their dinner.

If you haven’t figure this out by now YOU are the problem,

Now to bring this full circle.

Prepare for the worst, train your body, and enjoy your life to the best of your ability.

Three things Liberals will never do.

Jason Kraus

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