Officers and teens connect through song

FAN Editor

NEW YORK — Some might wonder why New York City police officers were on stage at Carnegie Hall. But through raps and melodic verses, a performance on Wednesday night brought a community together. Decoda, a Carnegie Hall ensemble group, started the collaboration between the kids and the cops two months […]

Teen sentenced in Slender Man stabbing case

FAN Editor

WAUKESHA, Wis. — One of two Wisconsin girls who attempted to kill a classmate to win favor with a fictional horror character named Slender Man was sentenced Thursday to 25 years in a mental hospital, the maximum punishment possible, with credit for time served in juvenile detention.  Waukesha County Circuit […]

Analysis of the year in polls

FAN Editor

January: One president leaves, and another arrives President Obama left office a popular figure — 62 percent of Americans approved of the way he handled his job over the past eight years, ranking him third among outgoing presidents since CBS began asking the question in 1981 – behind outgoing presidents […]

$25 billion projects at troubled nuclear site to continue

FAN Editor

ATLANTA — Georgia’s utility regulators are allowing construction to continue on two new nuclear reactors despite massive cost overruns for the multibillion-dollar project. Thursday’s unanimous decision by the state’s Public Service Commission will shape the future of the nation’s nuclear industry, partly because the reactors at Plant Vogtle were the […]

Report: Mom led police to child’s body buried in backyard

FAN Editor

CLEVELAND — A Cleveland mother led investigators to a child’s body buried in the backyard of her home Tuesday, and the remains are believed to be her missing, disabled son, according to court documents obtained by The child’s body reportedly showed multiple signs of abuse, including broken ribs, the website […]