Judd Apatow: Pretty serious about comedy

FAN Editor

JUDD APATOW is the creator of some of the most popular comedies of our time. These days, he’s returning to his roots, and sharing memories with Tracy Smith for our Sunday Profile:  If a cluttered desk is the sign of a cluttered mind, then Judd Apatow’s mind must be a […]

How nondisclosure agreements encourage a culture of silence

FAN Editor

The recent avalanche of sexual misconduct allegations has cast a spotlight on nondisclosure agreements (NDA), the contracts employers use to keep such matters private. “I signed the nondisclosure agreement and I think at the time, I hoped, I’m just going to close my eyes and make this go away,” said former […]

Millions of potentially explosive air bags still on the road

FAN Editor

Fewer than half of the 41 million potentially explosive air bag inflators made by Japanese company Takata have been replaced in the several years since the largest auto-safety recall in U.S. history. Some Honda employees are going door-to-door knocking, hunting for roughly 100,000 cars with the most dangerous defective Takata air […]

CBS News Poll: American attitudes toward gun violence

FAN Editor

By Jennifer De Pinto, Fred Backus, Kabir Khanna and Anthony Salvanto As the anniversary of the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School approaches, one third of Americans –  and women in particular – say the level of gun violence in the United States today is a crisis, and most call […]