BIRMINGHAM, Ala — A mother in Birmingham, Alabama, is noticing the impact school shootings in the U.S. have had on her son, CBS affiliate WIAT reports. Sixth grader Javon Davies recently wrote his version of a will — a letter addressed to his best friend in case he is ever killed at school.
“It was a PlayStation 4, plus controllers, plus the game that goes to it. My cat, my TV, my Xbox,” Javon told the station.
His mother, Mariama Davies, said she was shocked when she read the letter her son wrote after his school received a threat.
“I could not believe it, you know. I mean my child is in the sixth grade. This is something he should not be thinking about,” she told the station.
But Javon said he wrote it “just in case something happened to one of us because some kids get rowdy up and might end up getting somebody shot or something.”

Mariama and Javon Davies
His letter ended with a message to his family. Javon said it read, “Dear family, I love you all. You gave me the clothes on my back and you stuck with me all the time. Love, Javon.”
The words brought his mother to tears.
“It’s really hard because he’s so young. He just shouldn’t have to go through that period, because, for what? He’s in sixth grade. You have a lot ahead of you, and these things going on, you shouldn’t have to worry about, go through or even think about,” Mariama told the station.
But despite all the threats made at schools across the country, Mariama said she and her son can’t live in fear.
“I know it’s going to be ok because God got me in his hands,” Javon said.
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