Pence Dodges Questions About Backing Trump As GOP Nominee

FAN Editor
(Photo by Sean Rayford/Getty Images)

OAN Deven Berryhill
UPDATED 4:55 PM PT – Thursday, March 2, 2023

Former Vice President Mike Pence has declined twice to say whether or not he would back Donald Trump if the 45th President became the 2024 GOP nominee.

In a press conference on Thursday, Pence redirected questions about Trump to a narrative that pointed the current political landscape.

Pence, who is also expected to run for the GOP ticket, suggested that Trump’s style is not what America needs from a president at this time.

“I’m persuaded that no one could have defeated Hillary Clinton in 2016 except Donald Trump, but I think we live in a different time and it calls for different leadership,” Pence said. “I’m very confident we’ll have better choices come 2024. And I’m confident our standard-bearer will win the day in November of that year.”

Its has been widely reported that Pence and Trump have been estranged since January 6th.

“The American people want us to return to the policies of the Trump-Pence administration, but I think they want to see leadership that reflects more of the character of the American people: namely the commitment to principle and the civility that Americans show each other every day,” Pence said. 

Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley (R-S.C.) and 45th President Donald Trump are some pollical figures who have already announced their run for the 2024 GOP nomination. Pence has said that he would announce his decision on whether or not to run “by the spring.”

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