OAN Staff Pearson Sharp
11:30 AM – Wednesday, January 22, 2025
There’s a new recall effort underway to recall California Governor Gavin Newsom following his disastrous response to the devastating LA wildfires. One America’s Pearson Sharp has more.
The tragic fires in Los Angeles are a cautionary story of complete government failure.
And if California is burning, then someone needs to hold Gavin Newsom’s feet to the fire.
Not only because this state is his responsibility, but because his leadership appears to have directly caused this horrendous conflagration.
Now it’s clear protecting California isn’t a priority for Newsom’s, so I think it’s high time the people of California made it a priority to get Newsom the hell out of office.
This man is destroying our state, burning it to the ground so that he can rule over the ashes.
I’m happy to report there’s a new effort underway to recall Newsom, and organizers are filing paperwork right now, hoping to fast track the recall while we still have a state left to save.
Which is probably why the latest effort is called “Saving California,” you can see the website here on your screen, where you can donate or volunteer to help remove this monster.
Organizers will need to collect about 1.3 million signatures in under five months if they want to get the recall out in front of the voters.
The trouble is, in California, democrats outnumber republicans literally 2 to 1: there are 10 million registered democrats in California, and only 5 million registered republicans.
We saw that play out in the last recall back in 2021, if you’ll remember, when 3 million smooth-brain democrats chose to keep Gruesome Newsom in office.
That was then, this is now, and I don’t think it’ll be too hard this time around: I mean there are at least 200,000 people that should sign up immediately, considering they’ve just lost their homes because of Newsom’s deadly incompetence.
You’d think this would be a wakeup call for Newsom, but no!
Even now, instead of putting politics aside and trying to help the people of California, Newsom and his crony democrats made it their top priority to pass a $50 million dollar deal to “Trump-proof” the state.
That’s right!
While people are literally dying, Newsom is spending tens of millions of our tax dollars on legal defenses against President Trump and to protect criminal illegal aliens from deportation.
That’s his priority.
Newsom doesn’t care about us; just look at him in this clip here, where he’s standing in the midst of the carnage and destruction that cost people their lives—and he does this weird, giddy little dance as he gushes over his plans for redeveloping the area.
He’s gotta be high or coked up here—and it wouldn’t be the first time.
This fire is still not contained!
It’s still burning, people are still dying—dozens have died already—and he’s talking about how excited he is to rebuild these neighborhoods where homes are still on fire.
The callousness and disdain Newsom shows for the people of California—for the victims of wildfires his policies helped create—is exactly why he needs to be removed from office, immediately.
Since 2016, Newsom has flatly ignored repeated calls to manage forests and clear brush and fire hazards; he’s let the reservoirs run dry, sent tens of trillions of gallons of water into the ocean, taxed us for new reservoirs and then refused to build them, and funneled money away from firefighters and into useless climate change pet projects.
To say nothing of the fact that Newsom actually slashed California’s fire budget by $100 million dollars just a few months before the deadly LA fires.
Newsom calls this a lie—but it’s sadly and completely true.
And we haven’t even touched on Newsom’s other catastrophic policies, which forced forty percent of businesses to permanently close down after his mandatory lockdowns in 2020.
Tens of thousands of small businesses just vanished, gone for good.
Newsom’s policies also forced over 500 major businesses and corporations to flee California and set up shop in freer states.
That move cost California about $400 billion dollars in lost taxes every year.
Newsom has forced over half a million residents to flee the state; in fact, so many people have fled California that the population actually went down and we lost a congressional seat!
You think people would be running for their lives if Newsom’s California was so great?
And yet he keeps raising taxes, claiming we have to make the wealthy “pay their fair share”—in a state where the top 1 percent of earners already pay over fifty percent of the state taxes.
But, he did manage to give residents who lost everything in these fires a onetime payment of $770.
You don’t hate your government enough.
But now, you have a chance to fight back and strike a blow for justice.
Head over to Saving California’s website, donate, volunteer, find ways you can help.
We have to get this petition in front of the voters so we can finally recall Gavin Newsom, and save our state before he burns what’s left to the ground. For One America News, I’m Pearson Sharp.