The House passed a bill to increase spending caps and suspend the federal debt limit for two years, approving a deal between Democratic leaders and President Trump despite significant opposition from conservatives.
The bill increases caps on discretionary spending for the next two fiscal years to avoid automatic budget cuts and adds $324 billion in spending. It also suspends the debt ceiling until July 2021, eliminating the prospect of a contentious battle before the 2020 election.
The bill passed 284 to 149, with 219 Democrats voting in favor and 16 voting against. President Trump had lobbied Republicans to vote for the deal, but just 65 did so, with 132 Republicans voting no.
Democratic leaders had emphasized the bill’s increases on spending for domestic priorities, while Mr. Trump and his Republican allies pointed to boosts in military spending to lobby for members’ support.
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Mr. Trump announced the deal with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer on Monday, and the House moved quickly to pass it before members leave for their August recess at the end of this week. The bill now goes to the Senate, which will be in session for an additional week.
Grace Segers and Rebecca Kaplan contributed reporting.