The pressure of preparing for Christmas is pushing some Londoners over the edge.
While many are getting into the holiday spirit, others are escaping underground to relieve some stress.
It’s called Rudolph’s Rage Room.
It’s where Billy and Clare channeled their anger with the help of their most hated Christmas song.
“I feel very distressed and de-raged now,” said Clare.
People pay $25 to vent their frustrations. They get a baseball bat and have three minutes inside a “Rage Room” and they all have their own reasons for being there.
“It’s the songs — the cold weather — I’m a summer guy,” said Billy Holmes, who hates Christmas.

A look at Rudolph’s Rage Room in London.
CBS News
“By this date, I think people are pretty sick of the Christmas music — all the decorations — I think people are done with it and wanna get out some of that stress,” said Clare Morris.
A creative events group came up with the idea to help people relax.
“Everybody has loved it universally — whether they hate Christmas or they love Christmas,” said organizer Meredith O’Shaughnessy.
For Pearse and Oddette, it was the perfect holiday treat.
“I feel better,” said Oddette.
“I just imagined everyone from last Christmas who didn’t get me anything and then showed them how it was,” said Pearse Egan, who hates Christmas.
The event ran for just a day — long enough for people to get that rage against the Christmas machine out of their systems.
For those who still have some rage left over, customers get to wash the rest down with a Christmas cocktail.
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